By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2005

In a corrupt justice system that he has been calling attention to for years, Rev. Edward Pinkney faces five felony counts for putting a recall vote on the ballot and winning. He and his wife, Dorothy Pinkney, speak to the struggle they face, and talk about their organization, BANCO. Benton Harbor Michigan, made for BlackBox Radio

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2005
Rita Sand

From the Trenches 10-24-05 broadcast quality, 64kbps mono, 27.4mb, 59:15 plus 1:00 music fades. On this program: Minuteman protest 10/15/05 in Arlington Heights, IL; Melinda Powers speaks at the National Lawyers Guild Teach-in titled: Activists Know Your Rights, held 10/15/05 at DePaul University Law School; Chicago Reader reporter, Steve Bogira speaks about his new book, "Courtroom 302: A Year Behind the Scenes in an American Criminal Courthouse."

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2005

Two Palestinian fighters were killed Sunday night when Israeli troops opened fire on a house in the Tulkarem refugee camp. Luai Al-Sa'di, a leader of Al-Quds Brigades the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad movement in the West Bank was killed during the ensuing gun battle Islamic Jihad has vowed to avenge the killing of Al Sa'di.

Headline 102405

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2005
Alex Smith

5 min of Environment news: record storms, climate mash music, scientists report on carbon storage, politico's do the mash, new energy podcast: thewatt. 5.30 sec 5.1 MB audio MP3

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2005
queer-j brad

The Sagon Penn Chapter of CopWatch Conference, focusing on Police Brutality, was held on October 22 at the Hot Monkey Love Cafe in San Diego. Audio and transcribed excerpts from the second panel "Harassment of Young People."

Harassment of Young People
Facilitator: Ayehsa Newell
Panelists: Alma, Enrique, Justino and Carly

Audio Duration: 1 hr 6 min

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2005
queer-j brad

The Sagon Penn Chapter of CopWatch Conference, focusing on Police Brutality, was held on October 22 at the Hot Monkey Love Cafe in San Diego. Audio and transcribed excerpts from the first panel, "Profiling the Poor and People of Color."

Profiling the Poor and People of Color
Facilitator: Modest Brown
Panelists: Rocky Neptun, Gloria Verdieu, Mario Moreno, Tina Jillings and Sylvia Ramos

Audio Duration: 51 min 11 sec

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2005
David Grace

Interview with Dr. Janette Sherman of the Tooth Fairy Project, studing exposure to radiation in infants.

For almost fifty years physicians and scientists have been attempting to prove the hazards of nuclear power plants and radioactive wastes. The baby teeth are a good indicator, since they show the contamination in a significant way.

The Tooth Fairy Project asks parents to send teeth, and when they are entered by zip-codes, the contamination can be shown. Maps showing the trail of fallout can be traced to specific atomic bomb tests from the cold war.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 October, 2005

These words, coming in the shadow of the vast governmental malfeasance
and indeed, betrayals that lay at the heart of Hurricane Katrina, where
people, predominantly Black people, were left to drown and starve by the
tens of thousands, show that the space between hypothetical and real, is
thin indeed....There is, in American political life, a deep, abiding spirit of fascism, formed around the kernel of White Supremacy. It made the unspoken holocaust of so-called Indians possible, which in turn led to a new holocaust against Africa.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 October, 2005
dj lotus

DJ lotus interviews Aaron from Solidarity Across Borders in Montreal about their recent action against the Minutemen on the Canada/US border, real moments of cross border solidarity and their ongoing campaigns against Security Certificates, Detentions and Deportations.

More information is available at