By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 October, 2005
Robbie Sinnott - Nuria Mustafa-Dunne

18 min phone interview (mp3, 128kbps - FM-friendly).

This year (2005), Islam's holiest month began on October 4th and ends on November 3rd.

In this interview, Nuria Mustafa-Dunn, originally from Iraq, explores some of the issues behind Ramadan, Islam, and very briefly, the issue of a multi-Islamic Iraq.

Interview originally recorded live on Near FM's Majority World, November 18th, 2004 (Thursday evening at about 5:10pm).

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 October, 2005
Sh. Saood Shraim
By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 October, 2005
Eddie Lopez

"Lafayette's the crossroads where Katrina meets Rita," he said. "I always knew I was against same sex unions."

"Lafayette's the crossroads where Katrina meets Rita," he said. "I always knew I was against same sex unions." These were not the words of a drunk and insensitive comedian stooping to a new low, but the words of Sen. David Vitter during a meeting with leaders in Lafayette, Louisiana on October, 13, 2005.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 October, 2005
Skidmark Bob

Skidmark Bob Reads from the Santa Cruz Public Works Quarterly Newsletter Criminalizing anyone who "Steals" from city recycling containers in the creating "Gateway Criminals" in a neighboorhood near you. WATCH YOUR CANS!! BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID!!!

Santa Cruz City Public Works Quartly newsletter:
"One Persons Trash" Scavenging: It's against the law!
Your city tax dollars at work...

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 October, 2005

best radio station