By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 September, 2005
Vinny Lombardo

An ongoing contract dispute betwween bus driver, and Metro Transit officials has reached a breaking point, with drivers threatening to walk off the job, September 8 if no deal is reached. FRSC reporter Vinny Lombardo has more. 4 minutes

This piece was produced for Rockin' the Boat, which airs Fridays from 3-5 pm on Freak Radio 101.1 FM in Santa Cruz.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 September, 2005
King Daevid MacKenzie

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin making a powerful statement over WWL Radio yesterday. Every Indymedia outlet will want to utilise this one, and that's not hyperbole.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 September, 2005

Weekly Audio Report
August 26-September 1, 2005

This week in Palestine – a service of the International Middle East Media Center IMEMC.Org for the week of Friday, August 26th to Thursday September 1st , 2005

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 September, 2005
RadioActive (Maine)

A historical look at Labor Day in Maine. Jack McKay gives an overview starting from one of the first Labor Day celebrations in Bangor, Maine in 1905, to the present day.

Labor Day in Maine, Then
and Now

Originally broadcast September 1, 2005

A historical look at Labor Day in Maine. Jack McKay gives an overview starting
from one of the first Labor Day celebrations in Bangor, Maine in 1905, to the
present day.

Also Jimmy Cook discusses the upcoming fair trade fest in Bangor, Maine on
September 10th.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 September, 2005
Dan Roberts

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (September 2) is up at the website
< >in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (3.3MB) (29:00)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 September, 2005

DJ Microbrew's FTCM13 is just one song this week.
"Lies Catch Up To You dot MP3"

You can lie to your father,
you can lie to your son,
you can lie to just about

But you just can't lie to the moms.

You can lie to me,
you can lie to your own
You can lie to the camera or the telephone,

But you just can't lie to the moms.

Moms can see right through ya mr. bush,
The moms catch up to you.
Just like a lie coming into the light.
The moms catch up to you!


By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 September, 2005
WSQT Guerilla Radio

Some scenes from New Orleans resemble Mad Max, with refugee familes on smashed and deserted highways. More is coming if there is any truth to global warming.

Like hurricanes? Just keep driving that SUV! Don't like hurricanes, tornadoes, and droughts? Bike more, drive less. Everytime you fill that tank and step on the gas, you also throttle up global warming and all storms. SUV's driven here flood out families in New Orleans.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 September, 2005
La mesha

Today was our show KICK OFF yall ~! Give me a holler if you want to be scheduled on the Show !

Maria Luna / Mujeres Unidas Y Activas
Nora Calderon / POWER
Guillemina Castellanos / Collectivo de Mujeres de La Raza Centro Legal

No Pigs In DA HOOD !
Imam Ramee Muhammad
Telephone interview