By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 August, 2005
Rita Sand

2.2mb, 19:27min; Interview of Mike Griffin, steering committe member with the Labor Action Coalition which sponsored the Take Back Our Unions Rank and File Conference in Chicago the weekend before the AFL-CIO conference. Giffin speaks about the AFL-CIO split.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 August, 2005
Rita Sand

1.3mb, 11:54min, In this portion, participants in a direct action workshop relate their experiences.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 August, 2005
Rita Sand

From the Trenches 8-22-05 in 4 parts, 16kbps mono

Part 1: 2mb, 17:40min, Rev. Finley C. Campbell dramatizes the organizing by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in the early 20th century at the IWW Centenary Conference, June, 2005 Chicago.

Also: Daniel Gross speaks about organizing Starbucks workers in New York City.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 August, 2005
Rita Sand

From the Trenches 8-22-05 broacast quality, 64 kbps mono 27.5 mb, 59:15 plus mx ends cold
Outcue: From the Trenches

IWW Centenary Conference June, 2005 at UIC in Chicago including Rev. Finley C. Campbell, Professor of English at DeVry Institute of Technology dramatizing early IWW organizing in the 20th century; organizer Daniel Gross speaking about his work with Starbucks workers and a direct action workshop.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 August, 2005
Aubrey Ellen Shomo

This is a one-hour episode of Let's Talk About It, titled "Personal Experiences with the Mental Health System: Emerging Intact," that aired on KUBO 88.7 FM in El Centro, CA, on May 5th, 2005. The Show's host was Scott Dudley, with Angela co-hosting. Aubrey Ellen Shomo was the sole guest. Reproduced here with permission.

It covers personal negative expieriences with the american commercial and public mental health system

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 August, 2005
Dire Wolf

National and World News, that your so called mainstream media wont tell you.
File size: 54.6 MB
Time:aprox 2hrs

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 August, 2005
Radio Pacheco

Audios de la segunda reunión del EZLN con organizaciones indígenas por el subcomandante Marcos y la comandanta Keli en la reunión del pasado 13 y 14 de agosto en la comunidad en la comunidad indígena Autónoma Javier Hernández, Chiapas en rebeldía.

Estos son un resumen de las participaciones de las organizaciones indígenas y las criticas al Partido de la Revolución Democrática.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 August, 2005
Radio Pacheco

Audios de la segunda reunión del EZLN con organizaciones indígenas por el subcomandante Marcos y la comandanta Keli en la reunión del pasado 13 y 14 de agosto en la comunidad en la comunidad indígena Autónoma Javier Hernández, Chiapas en rebeldía.

Estos son un resumen de las participaciones de las organizaciones indígenas y las criticas al Partido de la Revolución Democrática.