By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

this where i sleep or lie down after having 0 strenght , tryin to have cyber sex, fails in 99%, also having blackouts in here

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

(dedont worry ya couldnt come in even after knowin levels, lectro lock kills the effort [very fucked, yad need some military experience wont work otherwise]

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

ma doors again, level 2.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

these ma doors.

no comment

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

yeah a cell.. simpliest one.. i even thought they make these for prisoners, hopefully will find out soon if i was right.

and a win tv remote (wqwwhen the keynbpoboard or mouse wont let ya, nothing will brake the spirit of a couch potato)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

red desk lamp .. something to do with the revolutiom.
english dictionary (when i describe my lunch to people)
and yeah a cheap discman (usefull like hell tho unfortunatelly the laser doesnt let you crack people)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

also ma working place.
nothin fancy. a printer, inscense sticks orange flavored (got forbid me having the real ones from indian shop cuz id probably turn into shiva :p[

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

this is ma working place when im plugged in

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

this is where I sleep.

\\\'does sheep dreams of electronic dr.. yeah.. phililp k diock ya

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 July, 2005
vedran skocen aka monkey

have a look.
surpsrisingly i see coupla laser beams in ma room, mind me i posses no laser at all..

yeah have a look, ..

these are pics from my house arrrest.
im in electronic prison for the past fibvve years and one week.

anyway, info is in summary.

jus gonna say here that.. i would like to ask someone to make a backup of these cuz im gonna lost them for sho.