By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 June, 2005
Traprock Peace Center

Scott Ritter.gave an important address on US war making against Iranat a Traprock fundraiser on June 23rd. We encourage radio airplay, downloads for private listening and linking to the audio on the Traprock website. The talk is 47:09 minutes and the Q and A is longer - 1:04:57. Both are mp3 files for radio airplay (recorded in mono at 48 kbps)

“We declared a war on terror. We declared war on those who practice terror. Are we going to declare war on ourselves?” - Scott Ritter, June 23, 2005

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 June, 2005
George Cadman

George Cadman of Free Radio Santa Cruz interviews New York Human Rights attorney Lynne Stewart about her conviction, the climate of fear and intimidation in this country and what people can do about it.
Lynne Stewart will be sentenced in September and faces up to 30 years in prison. The judge has the descretion to give her no prison time, only probation, if he so chooses, so letters to the judge are encouraged.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 June, 2005

a ongoing rally at livermoore CA @LLNL 2005 and it has speakers like cesar cruz (fast4education) and Miguel Gavilan as the Mc of the event (laondabajita)kpfa94.1 along with jnaice turner and other teachers dealing with budget cuts, and increase in military, nuclear weapons and, not schools and teachers.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 June, 2005

Announcement and call for participation - local and international - in the Radical Radio Coalition during & before the G8 (1-9 July)

[English] {Spanish and Dutch below. other translations welcome}

From 1 July - 9 July the radical radio coalition will be streaming internet radio from Scotland covering the G8 protests and providing
in-depth coverage on the issues being discussed.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 June, 2005
ken j.

New anthem for world peace CD by Greg Jones entitled GOD BLESS THE WORLD-While You Bless America inks International distribution deal. Now available on over 125 music sites worldwide as accolades mount !


Special !
Anthem for World Peace CD by Greg Jones inks internet distribution deal with German based internet giant FineTunes!

Special Peace Song CD now available on over 125 music sites worldwide !

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 June, 2005
Paul Riismandel

This is a recording from a panel presented at the 2005 Allied Media Conference on June 19, 2005.
Participants: Abayomi Azikiwe, Charles Simmons
From the publication of Inner City Voice by the League of Revolutionary Black Workers in the 60s, to the low power FM radio in Highland Park today, independent media has always been a vital piece of movement building in Detroit.

This talk is broken up into two portions: the main presentations by Charles Simmons and Abayomi Azikiwe in part 1 and audience Q&A in part 2.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 June, 2005

Weekly Audio Report
June17—June 23,2005
This Week in Palestine – a service of the International Middle East Media Center IMEMC. Org for the week of Friday June 17th to Thursday June 23rd
Despite a new round of talks among Palestinian, American, and Israeli diplomats, tensions in the area rose last week, with several violent incidents marring the current cease-fire and the Israeli military making more than 200 arrests.