By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 June, 2005
Rita Sand

Dr. Ernest Sternglass, spoke at the Citizen Epidemiology Conference on the Northwestern University campus in Evanston, Illinois on May 20, 2005. He spoke about the adverse health effects of nuclear explosions and routine nuclear power plant emissions.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 June, 2005
King Daevid MacKenzie

News and commentary program for use by indymedia stations, both online and broadcast. 7 minutes and 4 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 June, 2005
Skidmark Bob

TBIAPB are from pensacola FLA, rymodee plays guitar and harmonica and sings. terry johnson plays bass and sings, ted helmick plays drums and sings. they are amazing people.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 June, 2005
By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 June, 2005

este es el primero de una serie de programas de discusión que se graba
en el cml para compartido entre las radios y medios libres,
comunitarios, populares o para quien lo encuentre interesante o útil.
Cada programa se graba en un formato de discusión libre y abierta sobre
temas seleccionados previamente, y despues editados por tiempo.
Quien quiera participar en el siguiente programa, ponte en contacto:
cml_radios (arroba)

solo juegan foot:
palabras sueltas sobre los medios

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 June, 2005

8:30 mp3 includes Action Alliance for Senior Citizens, Act Up and Brian Tokar speaking. The audio quality is lousy except Brian Tokar's talk, which is good.
