By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2005

A week before Martha's show in Milwaukee,
she was on Air America radio on the Laura
Flanders show. Here goes some of it with
some of my own commentary mixed in as well.
If you rebroadcast, you don't even have to
tell me. Copyleft AND public domain.

"Next Weekend we're in Milwaukee."
-- Martha Redbone



Old news, I know. But hey, sometimes it takes a
while to complete an audio edit, you know?

Martha played here in MKE at Potawatomie's Casino
on Feb 25th.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2005
Mr. X & Just Julie

Late Night with Mr. X & Just Julie for April 4, 2005 has been posted.

A low-key show featuring a special in-studio guest, Ms. Laura, friend and fellow entertainer.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2005
Ambazonia indymedia

In the lil 1.5 meter square studio and following a program life in the early morning on the Voice of Manyu Rural Community Radio.

Most old folks in this area of Manyu listen to the programms of their community radio in the morning as they prepare to go to their farms, in the afternoon after returning from their farms while cooking or working at home and in the evening while hanging out.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2005
Ambazonia indymedia

To better understand the dynamics in such a radio project like the Voice of Manyu Rural Community radio project one needs to get abit close to the people that make it happen.

Hear the people that keep radio Manyu in the air tell their personal stories and relation to the radio project.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2005
indymedia Ambazonia

I look into the way the content of the programs in the Voice of manyu Rural Community Radio is decided.

Interview with activists from Voice of Manyu Rural Community Radio project on how the get about produce the needed content for the community.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2005
Ambazonia indymedia

Despite hardship the folks in the Voice of Manyu Rural Community Radio know their community of a million people desperately need them, and they are up to the task.

Interview with folks from the voice of Manyu Rural Community Radio project

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 April, 2005
Tarik M. Abdelazim

ON March 17, 2003, four Catholic Workers from Ithaca NY committed civil disobedience in a local military recruiting station. Surprisingly, in April 2004, the prosecution of the four war resistors in state court ended with the jury deadlocked 9-3, in favor of acquittal. Four months later, the federal government unexpectedly jumped into the fray and issued subpoenas. Now the "St. Patrick Four" face six years in prison (or more) if convicted. An exclusive, in-studio interview with the four defendants.