
By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 September, 2009
Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, Radio IBS Liberty

Radio IBS Liberty

Am 4. September 2009 hat nach der Anforderung durch einen Oberst der Bundeswehr ein Bombenangriff auf zwei Tank-Lastzüge in Nordafghanistan stattgefunden.

Bei dem Bombenangriff wurden bis zu 130 Menschen getötet, auch Kinder und Frauen.

Peter Grohmann, mehrfacher Buch-Autor und Koordninator von Die Anstifter in Stuttgart hat
eine STRAFANZEIGE bei der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft in Berlin gestellt wegen des Verdachts auf fahrlässige Tötung oder Mord von Kindern, Frauen und Männern.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 August, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
This Week in Palestine for July 27-31
Between the Lines segment:Settlers in palestrine and US aid
20 second song clip
Iraq Update for August 3:US gtroops EXECUTE Gay Iraqis
18 sec song clip:Oil Anthem
Afghanistan Update for August 3
desertion song 1 1/2 minute clip[
Station ID
Between the Lines short:Congo himan rights and foreign mining firms (R)
Coverage of July 30 Sheraton/union protest in Crystal City (R)
20 second song clip
Coverage of July 28 State Dept protest for Honduyras (R)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 July, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC

Here is the entire playlist for the WSQT July 7 show. It repeated 3 1/2 times in the 2 hour show duration.

Pirate Radio_song.
Station ID
Palestine_Today for july 6
Afghanistan_update for juuly 77
20 second song clip
Iraq Update_J7 for j8ly 7
Desertion Song 1 1/2 minute clip
Station ID
Honduras Coup Protested in DC Jul 1 (R)
Stirring Promo:No MTR coal mining w Dragline Takeover
HLS/Novartis July 6 protest in DC
July 4 Pot Legalization protest in DC

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 April, 2009
Seeing Red Radio

NATO Forces slaughter Afghan farmers; nothing confirms your Taliban affiliation like a NATO bullet in your head. Labor joins Likud in the Israeli Knesset, forming the most right-wing government from the broadest political spectrum in Israel's short, violent history. Evidence mounts that the IDF's rabbinate urged soldiers to cleanse the Holy Land of non-Jews, contradicting Israel's claim that every effort was made to prevent civilian causalities during Operation Cast Lead, the recent, horrific, collective assault on the Palestinian people of Gaza.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 February, 2009
Seeing Red Radio

A member of the editorial board of the International Socialist Review, Sherry Wolf spoke at Marxism Today 2007 in Melbourne, Australia and we feature excerpts of her talk, “The Case for Revolution”. Also, we cover the plight of Afghan children forced to survive on garbage heaps, Afghani reconstruction monies pilfered by corrupt aid agencies, and the continuing efforts to boycott, divest and sanction the Apartheid regime of Israel. Finally, Noam Chomsky gives his take on Obama’s pro-Israel hawk appointments and his unprecedented “obsequiousness” to AIPAC.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 June, 2008
Andrew Ó Baoill

This week we talked about developments related to Iran (including moves in Congress to mandate a blockade of Iran), Afghanistan, Israel (the truce with Hamas) and more.