
By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 February, 2010
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC

Here are the audio playlists from our Jan 25 and 28 broadcasts.

Special coverage includes the execution of 7 snitches by insurgents in the Afghanistan/Pakistan war(Jan 25), and continuing coverage of the treesit that shut down Massey Energy's Beetree Surface mine for 8 days(both days).

By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 July, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC

Here is WSQT Direct Action Radio's playlist from the July 9 show. This 40 min playlist repeated just under 3 times during the length of the broadcast.

Pirate Radio Song

Station ID

Palestine_Today for July 8

Iraq Update for July 9

20 second song clip

Analysis of Iraq urban pullout from Between the Lines

Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta custs Shell oil pipeline in Nigeria

Station ID

Between the Lines coverage of coup in Honduras and near-certain US permission for it

By Anonymous (not verified) , 30 June, 2008
Riseup! Radio Crew

Ahoy! From the heart of our lovely city we bring you another lively show, this time with special guest presenter Hicham Yezza, who was arrested at Nottingham Uni in May on Terrorism Charges but is now free (on bail) to join us, talk about his experiences and play some music.