By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 May, 2004
free radicals

"Fresh Air" by Perseph1

Music by Free Radicals


Listen to the mp3: Fresh Air

free for non-commerical broadcast for indymedias

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 May, 2004
reporter from Portland IMC

The truth and the lie are paired in this 90-second video for your consideration.

During his weekly radio address on Saturday, May 1, 2004, George W. Bush defended his "Mission Accomplished" speech, given on the deck of an aircraft carrier one year before. During his Saturday radio address, and in comments to the media in the White House Rose Garden on the same day, Bush denied the existence of "torture chambers, rape rooms, and mass graves in Iraq", despite the April 30 publication of pictures of such abuse by Americans occupying that country.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 May, 2004
King Daevid MacKenzie

Opinion piece, in audio and text, on the photographed torture of Iraqi detainees by American and British soldiers.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 May, 2004
Audio Indymedia Buenos Aires

Programa numero #11 de radio de Indymedia Buenos Aires. Program number #11 radio show of Indymedia Buenos Aires 17,7 MB - 77:30 Min.

Programa del 07/05/2004
Este es el programa numero #11 del proyecto de Radio de Indymedia Buenos Aires.
Para contactarnos envien un mail a cmi-audioarg arroba
Realizamos este programa: Kelly, Mat, Ruche y Zula.
Para escucharnos en vivo, todos los viernes a las 9PM (-3GMT) en

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2004
Skidmark Bob

Audio collage on U.S. abuse on Iraqi Prisoners 9min

Audio collage on U.S. abuse on Iraqi Prisoners
various media sources and music

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2004

On this edition of Rockin' the Boat, a discussion about strategies for the microradio movement. We're joined by Larry Bloch spokesperson for Radio Free Brattleboro, who is seeking a waiver to the FCC license requirement. Also with us, Mark Vermeulen, NLG CDC attorney representing SFLR, whose lawsuit seeeking a return of their seized equipment was heard in Federal Court, April 30.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2004
King Daevid MacKenzie

George Bush the Offspring is scheduled to speak in La Crosse, Wisconsin, later today (Friday the 7th of May). King Daevid MacKenzie comments on some of the goings-on surrounding the event.

(text of item; please credit to King Daevid MacKenzie if your local station decides to have one of its own announcers voice the piece, or if a print or web publication uses it in text only. Thanks in advance.)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2004
Audio Indymedia Buenos Aires

Programa numero #10 de radio de Indymedia Buenos Aires. Program number #10 radio show of Indymedia Buenos Aires 16,4 MB - 71:51 Min.

Programa del 30/04/2004
Este es el programa numero #10 del proyecto de Radio de Indymedia Buenos Aires.
Para contactarnos envien un mail a cmi-audioarg arroba
Realizamos este programa: Kelly, Ruche y Zula.
Para escucharnos en vivo, todos los viernes a las 9PM (-3GMT) en