By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 December, 2003
Dan Roberts

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Spain, and Cuba.

Dear Radio Friend,

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 December, 2003
John Malkin

Audio mp3 interview 22:15 Tom Morello of Rage against the Machine

Interview w/ Guitarist Tom Morello Previously of Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave and various other productions Talk about Music, Activism, Politics his visit to Mumia Abu Jamal and the Iraq War. The Great leap Forward w/ John Malkin airs weds 7pm (Ca. time) on Free Radio Santa Cruz

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 December, 2003
IMC NYC Sound Collective

N, an activist based in southern CA, speaks to what he witnessed at the Jail Solidarity Rally on Friday in Miami....

Audio Above.

9 mins. 4 mb


N, an activist based in southern CA, speaks to what he witnessed at the Jail Solidarity Rally on Friday in Miami. He also remarks on the difficult feelings of anger and powerlessness, the need for discussion on what happened in MIami, as well as thoughts on anti-neo-liberal & anti-war activism in the future.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 December, 2003

love to hear these half-wits pull out their bad-marxist-leninist kitsch so they can trump up their feathers for the few that care, that they are the true leaders of the "true" revolution. masturbation excercises, justifying sitting on their couches playing nintendo.

"end game"

what a joke! pompous little dictator-wannabees.

have you read marx, at all?!

the revolution has no "end game". this is not chess.

it wouldn't be one if it did.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 December, 2003

Well that's because indymedia "Activists" are petti-bourgeois at heart.

These people don't REALLY want to overthrow capitalism.

They are just contrarians who like to rumble with the cops.

They have no end game for overthrowing capitalism.

All the bullshit strategy sessions for protests amount to shit. You think a protest is going to end capitalism? No.

You have to realize most "activists" aren't really interested in overthrow of capitalism. Especially on indymedia.

Seattle was supposed to be a great victory, but what exactly did it do? Not much.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 December, 2003
IMC NYC Sound Collective

IMC NYC Video Collective member, Justin speaks about how his camera got confisicated, never to return...

Audio Above


Nov 30. Manhattan.

IMC NYC Video Collective member, Justin speaks about how his camera got confisicated, and has yet to show. This is among 14 other similar, documented cases that he knows of police-snatches of equipment, equipment destroyed, equipment robbed, and equipment confiscated & never returned.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 December, 2003

I don't have a radio show/station.... just dig the recording. Keep up the great work and if you post, I'll certainly enjoy the mp3 files !

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 December, 2003
IMC NYC Sound Collective

Nov 30. Manhattan. Highly restrictive ordinances essentially throwing out the constitution....

Audio Above


Nov 30. Manhattan. A disinformation campaign by Timoney and co-horts, unseen before, was engaged in months before the actual conference.