By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2003
Skidmark Bob

Mp3 audio collage mix on Israels Apartied wall

Special Collage mix about the Israels Apartied Wall presently being constructed destroying Palestinian homes in the process, collage includes reports from Kristen Ess of the International Solidarity Movement Pink Floyds another brick in background check out PNN Palestine news network NEW website w/ day to day updates on the Palestine situation.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 November, 2003
Paul Riismandel

This weekend over a thousand people are descending on Madison, WI to work on the issue of media reform AND becoming the media at the National Conference on Media Reform and the parallel Be the Media! conference.

Selected events from both conferences will be webcast live. See the schdule at:

More streams and events will be added, so check back regularly.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 November, 2003
Dan Roberts

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.

Dear Radio Friend,

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 November, 2003
KPFT Local News

this newscast has reports on the election - light rail victory, mudslinging mayors, collective bargaining for firefighters, electronic voting machine problems, voter problems, and imported howard dean campaigners - plus more crime lab incompetence, vincente fox protested in austin, and more... (28 minutes)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 November, 2003
Department of Corrections

mp3 audio D.O.C. translation peice of Donald Rumsfeld on beat the press..

D.O.C. translation of Sec Donald (rummy) Rumsfeld on Meet the "press" rummy says it like he should.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 November, 2003
Department of Corrections

audio mp3 of Ashcroft summing up Patriot summer tour

John (Big bro) Ashcroft sums up his Patriot summer tour w/background musical hit "where eagles soar"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 November, 2003
1431AM Radio News Team

You can listen to a part of the multilingual radio program transmitted by 1431AM radio station, in th 21st of July, exactly one month after the demonstration against EU Summit in Thessaloniki.

You can listen (in seperated pieces) a part of the multilingual radio program

transmitted by 1431AM radio station, in th 21st of July, exactly one month after

the demonstration against EU Summit in Thessaloniki.

During the radio show, 3 prisoners from Diavata prison speak via the

phone-line; Fernando, Spiros and Carlos, each one in his language. Info about

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 November, 2003
KPFT Local News

whoops! dang mp3 converters...