By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 December, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 1710 AM in DC

Starbucks has become one of the nations largest dairy purchasers. In recognition of that fact, protestors from Food and Water Watch asked Starbucks to "Mooove off the hormones," in particular Monsanto's notorious rBGH(Posilac).

There were six adults dressed as cows(complete with udders) and two small children sdreeed as calves backed up by an equal number of protestors not in costume. For about half an hour the group protested at the Starbucks at 7th st and Indiana Ave, educating customers and asking Starbucks to "hold the hormones."

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 December, 2006
La Isla de Encanta

El cuarteto madrileño
comparece casi en pleno a la sombra del cocotero. Juan, Kiwi y Roberto llegan a nuestras costas con las tres canciones de su segunda maqueta y un puñado más de entre sus favoritas. Sólo faltó Lois, batería del cuarteto madrileño. Les alabamos el gusto por el cargamento completo, y esperamos verles pronto en alguna de las salas de nuestra ciudad.


By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 December, 2006

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre, for Tuesday December 5th 2006.

Palestinian resistance fighters survive an apparent assassination attack in northern Gaza, while in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Israeli troops injure a local Journalist, these stories and more coming up stay tuned.

The Gaza Update

Palestinian sources in Gaza reported that several fighters of the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad survived an apparent assassination attack in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 December, 2006
imc-ie dunk

Makabra have just produced a little bit of magic, entering and occupying the old Can Ricart factory in the Pouble Nou Barrio of Barcelona, where 60 years ago the CNT trucks left from to attempt to build a better world. Now its their turn to add to the unfolding story of creativity, passion and the love of life. Viva Makabra

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 December, 2006
Upstart Radio America

This show is flanked by Keith Olbermann regarding Free Speech and the and diligence we must maintain to keep our means of expression. Underground artist Banksy reminds us Free Speech is more than mere words.

Mindwalk 55: Banksy & Patriotic Subversion

Mindwalk may or may-not contain EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. Licensed broadcasters should air during SAFE HARBOR.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 December, 2006
Pennie Quinton

Listen to an interview with James Marriot of Platform discussing 'And While London Burns'
PLATFORM 's new operatic soundwalk - "a soundtrack for the era of climate change". recorded by Pennie Quinton for Resonance FM104.4

Pennie Quinton interviews James Marriot about the newly launched opera audio walk that he and John Jordan produced, to make listeners really feel the damage done to the environment by the likes of BP and Deutsche Bank .
An operatic audio tour across The City