By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 November, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 1710 AM in DC

This is a song about how AmeriKKKans worship MONEY for Yule. The poor are left to starve while the rich parade about in fur coats.

To "Carol of the Bells"

Rich pigs in furs
Children in rags
welfare reform
let them eat cake
why should we care!
Buy! Buy! Buy! Buy!

See the Greed at the shopping malls as they pick your pocket clean
fatten the bottom line
fatten your belly too...

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 November, 2006
King Daevid MacKenzie

The broadcast of humourist Jean Shepherd over WOR Radio in New York on November 25, 1963, discussing John F. Kennedy and his assassination. A very remarkable program under the circumstances. 49 minutes.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 November, 2006
King Daevid MacKenzie

A 45-minute portion of the broadcast over WFAA Radio in Dallas on November 23, 1963, shortly after the announcement of President Kennedy's death was announced. 50 minutes and 50 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 November, 2006
King Daevid MacKenzie

The actual broadcast over KLIF Radio in Dallas on November 22, 1963, as the news was breaking that President John F. Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally were shot in Dealy Plaza. 56 minutes and 22 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 November, 2006

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for the week of November 17 through November 24, 2006.

Palestinian civilians manage to save a house from being bombed, while talks over the national unity government continue amidst an Israeli escalation of attacks in the Gaza Strip. These stories and more are coming up, stay tuned.

Weekly Peaceful actions in the West Bank

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 November, 2006

We interviewed Florentino Lopez, one of the spokespersons of APPO on the 7th of october.

Tomorrow will be an important day in Oaxaca as they plan to throw the PFP out of the city.

Here is the interview we did with Florentino Lopez on 7th of october.
It is still very relevant, we were talking about how APPO is organised and what they want. It is in spanish, except for the questions.
Christiaan and i did the interview and Brad translated for us.
He filmed the interview as well.

I didn't edit anything, i hope it is good enough as it is.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 November, 2006
The NewStandard

This week on TNS Radio: TNS reporter Catherine Komp takes an in-depth look at the growing use of cell-phone tracking and how this surveillance is creeping into our daily lives.

The NewStandard is an independent hard-news outlet covering domestic issues from a grassroots perspective. In our effort to serve as an antidote to the corporate mass media, we've recently broadened our coverage and launched an audio feature to complement our web-based content.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 November, 2006
Dan Roberts

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, Spain, and Russia.