By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 November, 2006
Arab Talk Radio

Co Hosts Jess Ghannam and Jamal Dajani interview Michael Phillips who was taked hostage in Palestine 2 weeks agao.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 November, 2006

los estudiantes de la ubjo pedimos ayuda por favor para impedir que sigan interfiriendo la señal de la radio universitaria en la cual el pueblo nos informamos de todo lo que esta pasando en nuentra ciudad a la llegada de la policia federal represiba (PFP) .
exigimos al ingeniero alfredo apodaca saradia que es el unico responsable de las interferencias de radio universidad ya que el gobierno le esta pagando exigimos que nuestraradio se escuche a todo el pueblo.
pedimos la ayuda del secretario de comunicaciones o a un ingeniero que conosca del caso.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 November, 2006
joe broadhurst

Yehuda Shaul talks about the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Former IDF soldier and founder of Breaking the Silence speaks to CKUT about the occupation of Palestine and the mindset of Israeli soldiers in their control of Palestinians. (30:30)

He is on a speaking tour throughout the United States to discuss the occupation.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 November, 2006

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for October 27th through November 2nd, 2006.

Israeli troops kill 34 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as negotiations over a prisoner exchange drag on with no apparent progress, meanwhile, Palestinian resistance fighters continue to fire home-made Qassam shells at Sderot. Efforts on forming a Palestinian national unity government are still ongoing. These stories and more, coming up. Stay tuned.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 November, 2006
Jake Sexton

News, politics, rock, inappropriate circus music.

LMB Radio 11-02-06

- rebellion in Oaxaca
- the murder of Brad Will
- Oaxaca solidarity protests
- hip-hop's not dead, but it is coming down with Alzheimer's
- Berlusconi on trial
- the US Press Corps: stupid fucking children
- ABC news director is a whiney suck-up
- Poll: Americans finally regaining their senses
- lite cigarette hoax
- Take Back the Land
- fundie hypocrisy

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 November, 2006
John Anderson

A weekly review of news at the intersection of media and democracy.

Download MP3 (5:00 @ 4.6 MB)

In this week's program: New York state’s investigation into radio payola snags its first broadcast conglomerate. And more than 350 people converge in Oakland to tell two FCC Commissioners to roll back media consolidation.

This program is free to all to air, and more than 50 broadcast radio affiliates (and dozens more online) now do so. Add your station to the mix.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 November, 2006
el chivo de la sierra

Cuidado con el PRI Visitas: 95, 9, 2


Los mexicanos deben poner mucha atención a lo que hace el PRI. Deben recordar que el PRI gobernó despóticamente durante muchos años la pobre república mexicana.

Aunque ya no tienen poder político, porque carecen del apoyo popular, aún tienen cierta influencia sobre algunos sectores de la sociedad mexicana.

Ellos saben que la única forma de retomar el poder, ahora que perdieron la elección presidencial, es a través del caos y la violencia.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 November, 2006
Dan Roberts

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.