By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 October, 2006

The 3D1on Corporation debuts its new HSVZ (HandSet VersionZero) mobile video player/cellphone/text-messenger (amongst other assorted nicnacs).

note: vlc is now my primary transcoder; recovered bad data from hardware hang

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 October, 2006

This Week in Palestine, service of the International Middle East Media Center for September 29 through to October 5, 2006.

The Israeli army kills eight Palestinians including three children, while Palestinian factions confront each other on the streets and twelve die, as the formation of a national unity government faces serious difficulties. These stories and more, coming up. Stay tuned.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 October, 2006

entrevista telefónica con Sara Méndez,secretaria técnica de la Red Oaxaqueña de Derechos Humanos, quien comenta sobre las repercusiones sociales de la militarización del estado de Oaxaca. / OGG / 5:32min / 5.4mb

La intervención de la fuerza pública en Oaxaca no soluciona los rezagos estructurales que vive el estado

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 October, 2006
Ignazio Albore'

La "Nuova Democrazia".
Il capitale come mezzo della rivoluzione proletaria

Piena occupazione effettiva, per legge.
“Posto di lavoro” flessibile, ma “lavoro” fisso.
Un nuovo libero mercato attraverso le 5 stabilizzazioni automatiche

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 October, 2006
speakEasy radio

speakEasy is a weekly Buffalo, NY radio program. This episode has community announcements and a roughly 50 minute interview with California professor and author, Dr. Nancy Snow. Dr. Snow worked for two years with the U.S. Information Agency and discusses issues of American persuasion and propaganda. total time: 57 min, 38 sec

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 October, 2006

entrevista telefónica con participante de la marcha caminata a la salida de la población de Amecameca, estado de Mexico.
OGG/ 5.7mb / 8:10min

Boletín de prensa No. 14

La marcha caminata por la Dignidad de los Pueblos de Oaxaca “14 de junio no se Olvida” cumple su día 15, y es en la Sierra del Eje Volcánico Transversal donde el Estado de México recibe a los y las dignas caminantes. Un amanecer deseado por muchos, después de una noche que se tornó literalmente helada.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 October, 2006
The NewStandard

This week on TNS Radio: New Orleans activists challenge racist housing law; Lawmakers try to fast-track nuke waste to Nevada; Critics say new detainee bill guts human rights; and more.

The NewStandard is an independent hard-news outlet covering domestic issues from a grassroots perspective. In our effort to serve as an antidote to the corporate mass media, we've recently broadened our coverage and launched an audio feature to complement our web-based content.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 October, 2006

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