By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 June, 2006
Rita Sand

Morgan Reynolds, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Texas A&M University and former chief economist and the U.S. Department of Labor from 2001-2, spoke about the flaws in the plan and execution of the events of 9/11 24.6mb

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 June, 2006
Rita Sand

Chris Emery, Filmmaker and researcher on the Oklahoma City Bombing spoke briefly during the State Terrorism session. For more details, go to his session with Pat Shannan.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 June, 2006
al uh looyah

In this episode, Al interviews Todd Urick of Common Frequency about FCC offering community and noncommercial radio frequencies to organizations and Interview Michael Lahey, documentary filmmaker of "Making Waves" http://jumpcutfilms/makingwaves about pirate radio stations. Includes music by Eric Idle, the Who Boys, Fosil, David Rovics, Dub Gabriel.
almost 2 hours.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 June, 2006
Rita Sand


By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 June, 2006
Rita Sand

Chris Emery and Pat Shannan speak about their investigations of the Oklahoma City bombing and connections to 911.

Emery 20.4mb

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 June, 2006
Rita Sand


Annie Machon, Former British MI5 Agent
Ian Crane, Chair, 911 Truth Campaign UK and Ireland
Webster Tarpley, author of 911 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA
Ralph Schoenman, Former Secretary General of the International Tribunal on U.S. War Crimes in Indochina

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 June, 2006
Rita Sand

Ken Jenkins, filmmaker educated in engineering and psychology speaking in a session titled: "What was Supposed to Happen on 9/11 and Didn't" 18.9mb