By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 March, 2006


By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 March, 2006
queer-j brad

Pat Washington was denied tenure and fired from San Diego State University in 2003 and is suing SDSU based on a racial discrimination and retaliation. Her supporters gathered for a press conference preceding oral arguments in an appeal of the dismissal of her case. Audio Duration: 27 min 20 sec.

For more information, see

By Anonymous (not verified) , 18 March, 2006
Arab Talk Radio

Palestinian Ambassador to the US Afif Safieh was interviewed by Arab Talk co-hosts Jamal Dajani and Jess Ghannam

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 March, 2006
Arab Talk Radio

This week on Arab Talk, 89.5 FM, 2pm, KPOO, San Francisco, our guests will include Zaid Albanna and Midhat AlUmari.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 March, 2006
Ariel Perez

Rally for immigrant workers' rights

In a show of strength that surprised even the organizers, tens of thousand of immigrants poured into the Loop Friday, bringing their calls for immigration reform to the heart of the city's economic and political power. But few main stream media outlets reported this large scale demonstration.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 March, 2006
(( i ))mx

Audio resumen del ritual realizado con Tlaloc para recibir a los corredores de las naciones hopis, huicholes, mexicas y mas. OGG, 8min

Segmentos sonoros de voces, musica y reflexiones en torno a la defensa espiritual de la agua.

Actividad realizada el 16 de marzo en las cercanias del Museo Nacional de Antropologia