By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006

porque los mexicanos deben defender su cultua ancestral?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006

que pasa con este rio en guanajuato?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006

porque los campesinos de guerrero se oponen a la presa la parota?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006

una activista de los medios medios libres captura diversos momentos . ideas e interpretaciones desde dentro de la manifestacion contra el IV foro munidal del agua en mx df

en estos audios pueden escucharse los testimonios de los manifestantes, la descripcion de los arrestos . hostigamiento persecuciones y golpes que sufren los estudiantes y jovenes detenidos , el testimonio de los activistas de derechos humanos y la involuntaria participacvion de los policias vestidos de civil infiltrados en la marcha.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006
Captain Fred

A lively mix of music from all over the world

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006
Ariel Perez

Some good news for workers

There’s also good news for the janitors at the University of Miami. After three weeks of protests over low pay wages, janitors will get a raise of 25%, announced the Univeristy president Donna Shalala. The new policy will apply to about 900 workers.
The current hourly base pay is $6.40. The new hourly minimum will be $8 for food service workers; $8.55 for housekeepers; and $9.30 for landscapers. In addition, health care benefits will also be offered.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006
(( i ))mx

Audio Resumen de la movilizacion en defensa del agua-- Mexico DF 16 marzo 2006

Mientras el presidente mexicano Vicente Fox inauguraba los trabajos del IV Foro Mundial del Agua junto con empresarios y funcionarios públicos de mas de 100 paises, decenas de miles de personas protestaron en las calles de la ciudad monstruo para exigir la NO PRIVATIZACION de la Agua.

Aquí algunas de estas voces.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006

Music from our greatest living band.
CD tech; social change with Internet2G; somesome sci-nonfi & geek feng shui.
73:03, for crying out loud

how can i keep doin these?

comin up, virtualcybernewsfeedosphere and dj remixing on (recycled) smartphones

er, um something like that anyhoo...

bloody hell

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 March, 2006
Upstart Radio America

Bush, Cheney, Rice. We start out with a bit from prime time TV. ABC's Boston Legal of all places. Next Bush's bold face lie about Iran IED's followed by a few of our favorite lies of old from Dick. New lies fresh from Condies visit to Australia thanks to Martin at Nim FM down under.

Mindwalk 34: Axis of Liars

TRT 29:30 Stereo 128/44 27meg mp3

This Episode of Mindwalk contains EXPLICIT CONTENT. licensed broadcasters should air during SAFE HARBOR.