By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 February, 2006
radioActive sandiego

Join Radica Radio as they document the experiences of local organization Shakti Rising and their production of the Vagina Monologues in celebration of V-DAY.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 February, 2006
King Daevid MacKenzie

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s final address in Memphis in 1968, and President Bill Clinton's address from the same building 25 years later. 57 minutes and 8 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 February, 2006
Sakura Saunders

CorpWatch radio is a weekly review and contextualization of corporate news, along with an interview with our featured writer. This week's interview is with CorpWatch's military researcher, David Phinney, about military subcontracting, third world labor issues, and trafficking in Iraq

CorpWatch radio is a weekly review and contextualization of corporate news, along with an interview with our featured writer. This week's interview is with CorpWatch's military researcher, David Phinney, about military subcontracting, third world labor issues, and trafficking in Iraq

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2006
Dégenrée - l'émission pour déranger!


une émission radio féministe où on parle de comment les medias participent à entretenir des représentations sexistes sur plein de terrains...

pour cela on a étudié un peu la presse féminine, des articles scientifiques et la littérature de gare...

(cette émission était diffusée le 14 décembre 2005)

DégenréE - l'émission pour déranger!

une émission féministe: actualité, analyses, infos, débats, points de vue,
musiques etc... de femmes et lesbiennes

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2006
King Daevid MacKenzie

Commentaries on 1960s-70s mass media by Don McLean (music) and Marshall McLuhan (spoken word). 54 minutes and 48 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2006
WSQT guerilla radio 87.9 in DC

There are two new deadlines set in teh stadium controversy: an eviction court hearing on Feb 24, and a March 6 deadline for baseball to accept or reject the deal.

Three councilmembers betrayed the people who voted for the by voting for the stadium after being elected on a paltform to stop it: former mayor Marion Barry,Vincent Gray, and Kwame Brown.

There is now discussion in the community of petitioning the stadium lease to the ballot-and of recall petitions against all councilmembers who voted for the stadium.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 87.9 in DC

Yesterday the Raging Grannies protested outside the 8202 Ga Ave military recruiting office in Silver Spring, MD near DC, demanding to be accepted instead of America's youth.

As the recruiter closed shop(as usual),the Raging Grannies instead blocked the doors, leading to five arrests. Afterwards protestors stayed put another half hour or more to keep the recruiter from re-opening

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2006
Ariel Perez

20 percent of nurses have left work

UPI reports that some 20 percent of U.S. nurses have left the profession, and 55 percent of nurses surveyed by their professional association said they would not recommend the career to others.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2006

Its not so much that we support political violence,
its that political violence is inevitable if we are to
take revolution seriously. That said I think that the
rest of your question is answered. The problem is
access to real training. Of course we will never have
a force large enough to take a government out but, if
people were taught specific skills, I think the
system could be destabilized. If its destabilized at
home then they will have to deal with internal
conflict rather than slaughtering people all over the