By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 February, 2006

Listen to a series of songs performed by the Hassan el-Hadi band, at the Montreal launch of the Tadamon! initative, an international solidarity project based in Canada aiming to support movements for social & economic justice throughout Lebanon.

Listen to a series of songs performed by the Hassan el-Hadi band, at the Montreal launch of the Tadamon! initiative, an international solidarity project based in Canada aiming to support movements for social & economic justice throughout Lebanon.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 February, 2006
Heidi Lorraine

Danish punk rock and thrash rock and black metal rock and some hardcore rock too. Playlist at the website below.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 February, 2006


By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 February, 2006
Diamond Dave Whitaker

Poetic Exiles on 16th Street

Feb 2, 2006

Ed Bowers "Itinerant Starving Artists of the 21st Century Techno-Zen", "Houston Texas"
Ronald Sauer "Sun", "Dream", "Autumnal Afternoon"
Gary Peterson "A Flair for Hair", "Motorcycle Dreams"

"The Star Spangled Banner" AmeriKKKa
"Houston Texas Dee Cee" Scott Morrison
"The Stumble" Freddie King
"Dolly's Arrival" Taj Mahal & Roy Rogers

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 February, 2006
AZ Radio IMC

44 :17 minute Press Conferance in front of State Capitol Phoenix Az of Rep Lopes introducing Legislation for Universal health care in Arizona. Speakers plus questions for press & audience

Universal health care bill pushed in Arizona
By Dennis Welch, Tribune
February 3, 2006
Arizona would have a $30-billion-a-year universal health care system under a plan unveiled Thursday by a Democratic lawmaker.

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