By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2006
Al uh Looyah

Al and Jake play the state of the union speech and do our best version of "mystery science 2006" over the warmed over hegelian bullcrap that passes as "the state of the union" speech. lots of snarky comments, lots of laughs, lots of jeers, lots of snorts of indignation. the only way to listen to bush, heavily coated with derision. offered to create a "helpful wave of indignation"
listen to jake on his "lying media bastards show" on radioactive sandiego thursday afternoons 1.30 to 3pm PST
al is on Wed. 6-8 pm
1 hour 3o min.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2006
AZ Radio IMC

1 hr 45 min Audio of conferance in Phoenix Az hosted by Az AARP-Az Consumer Council-Az Childrens Action Alliance & S.W.Center for Economic Integrity.Speakers including Legislators and questions from audience concerning PayDay Loans controversy in Arizona.


By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2006
Tom Riggs
By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2006
Tom Riggs

Renegade rock recording artist Thomas Floyd once again defies convention with his new album titled "American Lament"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 February, 2006
DJ questionmark

Gary of Sacramento Prisoner Support talks about the cases of Eric McDavid, Zachary Jensen and Lauren Weiner. The three were arrested while visiting a Kmart in Auburn CA with police informant “Anna Davies.” All three are being charged with thoughtcrimes aimed at preserving nature from real eco-terrorists. Gary talks about the current prisoner support efforts including raising money to hire Zachary a private attorney. This interview was conducted, recorded and produced on Free Radio Olympia on 1/31/06 by DJ questionmark in true DIY style.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 February, 2006
Miguel Guerra Leon

En este breve relato del librepensador peruano, Miguel Guerra Leon, exhibe a un ideólogo llamado Gustavo de la Peña, quien con argumentos racionales describe lo que para él es, la idea más brillante que pudo tener. El escrito trata de plasmar la cosmovisión del personaje y como éste percibe la aguda y tormentosa diferencia entre humanos y demás animales.

lang=ES-PE>La Idea Más Brillante

El ideólogo que
deseaba ladrar

By Anonymous (not verified) , 1 February, 2006
Leanne Stahnke

Interview with Lola Vollen about the book she co-edited with Dave Eggers, Surviving Justice. Discussion of exoneree Chris Ochoa's case, the Innocence Project, transitioning back into society after wrongful incarceration...

Interview with Lola Vollen about the book she co-edited with Dave Eggers, Surviving Justice. Discussion of exoneree Chris Ochoa's case, the Innocence Project, transitioning back into society after wrongful incarceration...