By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 January, 2006
Melbourne Indymedia Radio 3CR 855AM

The indymedia radio show of 9_11_05 from 3CR radio Australia, comprising local, national, regional and global indymedia features. approx 1 hour.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 January, 2006

KUOW produces 'The Swing Years and Beyond' - it's been airing every Saturday night from 7pm-midnight for a quarter of a century. It is a sophisticated, ultra retro segue of ORIGINAL RECORDINGS from early 1920s thruogh about 1960
You can listen to it on web concurrent with its broadcast in Seattle. The audio, however has never been archived for public enjoyment after the one-shot broadcast

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 January, 2006
radio Wanklank

Dutch interview with Janny Beekman from Women For Peace in Holland about a project for abused women in Kabul, Afganistan. Janny helps to finance this project.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 January, 2006
radio Wanklank

Dutch interview with Jan Schaake from 'platform against the new war' about a possible militairy Dutch mission to Afganistan.12 minutes.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 January, 2006
Dire Wolf

1st hour: Speech givin by Benjamin H. Freedman from 1961. 2nd hr: Israeli spying on U.S. and what damage it really has done.