By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 November, 2005
rolf zweier

die pistop plougsharers haben 2003 auf dem westirischen shannon airport ein us-militärflugzeug mit hämmern und äxten angegriffen. dafür standen sie bis dienstag 8.11.2005 vor gericht. dazu der folgende beitrag, der versuch einer zusammenfassung der informationen auf radio und irland indymedia: 22min 28s

greetings from zurich. i have found the story of the pitstop ploughsharers on, i used some of the material for a broadcast on an alternativ radio station:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2005

...le pute/il trip sur la/et voila!!!...Check ca!!!/Tous les gars/Son!!!/lookin for talkshow clammers/You bangin naw/We a go clappin/applausibility/drownin out the vorticist/Capitalist et Schizophrenie/Reversionism/Deleuze comme Guatarrie/Cee/Si je jeux/dis/Vox/Isa/The sublime poundin
the concrete of amerikkka

En fins (clichy sous bois): zone d’injustices ?" dub
lord patch vs the giver

"what can the story of the end do and the end itself? exploding stones become speed lines" -- robert gluck

"Pourquoi cette démonstration de force alors?"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2005
Joe Broadhurst

I am not the producer of theis event. This was produced by RAI TV. Note: This video is gruesome and should be only shown to those who have been warned of its content. Program shows use and results of MK-77, a napalm substitute, on the Iraqi population by the US military.

An RAI TV event posted for dissemmination.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2005
Joe Broadhurst

I am not the producer of this event. I am posting this RAI TV piece in hopes that people will air it. The mainstream media is ignoring this important piece, which details the US military's use of MK-77, a napalm substitute, in Iraq. Note: It is gruesome, however, the last 10 minutes are air-friendly and should be dissemminated widely.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2005
SOCIEDAD Communications- Lawi Njeremani

Beating The Odds is a Feature Program on Social Awareness and Corporate Social Responsibility. The aim of our Program is to provide Publicity to Charity Based Organisations to enable them tap into Resources that will enhance their effectiveness in Service to Society.

GOOD SAMARITAN'S CHILDREN'S HOME- In July 2004,the Rotaract Club of Milimani organized a health clinic at the Good Samaritan Children’s Home in Mathare, Nairobi. SOCIEDAD Communications has done a story on the long-term efforts towards self-sustainability by the children’s home.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2005
King Daevid MacKenzie -- Independent filmmakers Reuben James Steindorf and Matt James Shepard discuss their film MIDIAN with King Daevid MacKenzie on WLSU La Crosse on 4 November 2005. 36 minutes and 14 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 November, 2005
radioactive sandiego

Doing Time from Cameras to Razorwire: Elen of the Ways and Dirt interview Sherman Austin about LA copwatch and police killings, they also interview Tezzarom of the South Central Farmers about the mobilization this weekend.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 November, 2005
Skidmark Bob

PoP dEFECT RADIO : Social Disorders 11-2005
A series of UNCENSORED Songs, Sounds and Spokenword Social Commentaries of american life in the 21st Century.
from the likes of The Night watchman, Storm INC, Jello Biafra & Melvins, Dan Bern
Antiflag and Much Much More!!!

PoP dEFECT RADIO : Social Disorders 11 - 2005
Produced by Skidmark Bob