By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 August, 2005
Ron Anicich

Your weekly wrap-up of North American police brutality, misconduct and corruption.

This week:

New Orleans cop sentenced to death

4 new taser deaths

and much more!

Produced at CKLN 88.1 FM in Toronto.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 August, 2005
Vinny Lombardo

Wake Up Wal Mart DOT COM, a grassroots coalition of labor and community activists, kicked off their "Take Wal-Mart Back to School Campaign" with a series of press conferences Wednesday, highlighting the retail giant's abuses. Workers Independent News correspondent Vinny Lombardo reports from Philadelphia.

JJ: "We urge citizens of Philadelphia, to buy school supplies at Wal-mart's competitors." :06

By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 August, 2005

djcj and Dave speak with UFCW local 135 President Mickey Kasparian about the AFL-CIO and the Change to Win Coalition and Albertsons re-opening some stores as non-union Bristol Farms

Si Se Puede!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 August, 2005
mike malloy (repost)

Mike Malloy reads an article on the 14 Characteristics of Fascism- how does 2005 America stand up?

is anybody alive out there? Too many of Americas youth are making jackasses of themselves for MTV to give a shit.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 August, 2005
Aaron Sarver and Emily Udell

In light of the recent AFL-CIO split, this episode focuses on the future of organized labor and the changing nature of work in the United States.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 August, 2005

Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs Mohammad Dahlan and Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz reached an agreement Tuesday on cleaning up the rubble of Gaza Strip settlements set to be evacuated under the disengagement plan slated to start by midnight August 14th

Headline 0801005
Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs Mohammad Dahlan and Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz reached an agreement Tuesday on cleaning up the rubble of Gaza Strip settlements set to be evacuated under the disengagement plan slated to start by midnight August 14th.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 August, 2005
Under the Pavement Radio Show

8th August 2005 edition of Under the Pavement, Manchester's radical radio show. Full two hour show.

Under the Pavement is a long running fortnightly radio show broadcast every other Monday 9.00pm-11.00pm on ALL FM 96.9, a community radio station, in south Manchester.
The show focusses on radical and activist campaigns and activities in the city.

This Show's Interview:
Caroline talking about her trip to Palestine and the work of the International Solidarity Movement

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 August, 2005
WSQT radio 87.9 in DC

Last Friday, protestors from DAWN and the Hirshima/nagasaki peace committee held their annual Hiroshima remembrance at the nuclear power promoting sHell hydrogen station on Benning Road in Anacostia, the poorest part of DC

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 August, 2005
Upstart Radio

Mindwalk is an experimental program produced by Upstart Radio America. Comments and suggestions welcome at

Credits: Peter Gabriel, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Afro-Celt Soundsystem, Arundhati Roy, Roger Waters, Bob Dylan

Upstart Radios 1/2 hour of free-thought music set. Click to to listen to Upstart Radio America. Music, Art, Politics, Free Speech Radio Streaming 24/7

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 August, 2005
Pasco P.

David Rovics came to Omaha to play two shows around Speak Out at Stratcom (60th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing)