By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 June, 2005
Radio WANklank

Maandag 6 juni was de landelijke aktie Vluchtalarm tegen het vreemdelingenbeleid in Nederland. Radio WANklank maakte in Wageningen een reportage.

Van 12 tot 13 was er op de Markt een manifestatie met toespraken en veel lawaai, oa van kerkklokken en een trombone.
Daarna werd naar het AZC gegaan om de universele rechten van de mens aan te bieden aan de direktie van de COA met het verzoek om mensen die in het AZC wonen overeenkomst daarmee te behandelen en te weigeren hen voortaan op straat te zetten.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 June, 2005
King Daevid MacKenzie

News and commentary program for use by indymedia stations, both online and broadcast. 8 minutes, 55 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 June, 2005
Al Uh Looyah

Today, June 13, 2005, as the international terrorist, Luis Posada Carriles was asking Judge William L. Abbott to change his venue from Texas to Florida, International A.N.S.W.E.R. organized protests in various U.S. cities. This is interviews with Chuck Drury and Ramon at the San Diego's Protest for Carriles' extradition.
As an interviewer, i was disappointed the evasion to my questions i posed. maybe he didn't want to get off point of Carriles, or maybe he was just "leftgatekeeping"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 June, 2005
Under the Pavement Radio Show

13th June edition of Under the Pavement, Manchester's radical radio show.
Full two hour show.

Under the Pavement is a long running fortnightly radio show broadcast every other Monday 9.00pm-11.00pm on ALL FM 96.9, a community radio station, in south Manchester.
The show focusses on radical and activist campaigns and activities in the city.

This Show's Interview:
Manchester G8 Activists
Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 June, 2005
Skidmark Bob

Flag Day is on tuesday june 14th so heres a Special mix in honor of Yankee Swastika day 2005
also good for 4th of july upcomming

Special Flag day mix featuring:

Jello Biafra - Pledge of Defiance
music by Psycic TV - Stick Insect also various other samples of patriotic influence. BURN BABY BURN!!!!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 June, 2005

Here's Dj MicroBrew's FTCM #8. FSCK The Corporate Media. 24x11 or something. Enjoy...


Rush Transcript



lede with
ramseys own words - right into:
Close to it all - coverof melanie song

I am a sensitive artist.

44:00 of pdr john hall

whole song

"And now for something completely different."
-- Staci Charles

"Is this thing on???"
-- ibid.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 June, 2005
Tom Allan

Carlos Arendondo has lived in Scotland for some thirty year. He left Chile when Augusto Pinochet overthrew the elected socialist Government of Salvador Allende. Pinochet was supported in the coup by the US because it was feared that th left wing elected Governmnent would ally itself wit the Soviet Union. As a result of the coup, many Chileans had to flee the country, becoming refugees all over the world. Carlos was reading from his new novel about his life, the first time he had shared the manuscript with anyone.