By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 June, 2005

Rich interviews Marisa a student in Montreal, member of the Latin America working group of the CLAC (Anti-Capitalist Convergence), and fresh back from 11 months in Ecuador working with the campesino federation. 20 min 38 sec

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 June, 2005
Shawn Lennon

Anti-War, Resistance Radio. News, Music & Poetry. Global Community, Free-thought & Indpendent Media Programming.

Upstart Update for May, June and July 2005

Howdy folks, 
  This is an Upstart Radio Retro-Update.  This should cover May, June and July. Honestly, it's not laziness, I've just been busy.

Quickly, in this edition:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 June, 2005
Dan Roberts

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, Spain, China, and Russia.

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (June 10) is up at the website
< >in both broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (3.3MB) (28:33)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 June, 2005
RadioOndad'Urto y Gissel Gonzales

(ES) los militares mataron a un mineros en enfrentamiento cerca de Sucre. empienzan huelgas de hambre. Vaca iez quiere irse, el Congreso pero empieza a las 18hrs local.
Gissel Gonzales desde Cochabamba

a mineworler killed by solders nearby Sucre

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 June, 2005
Kris Kaul

Natural Building is an important part of a sustainable and socially just world. Conventional building uses highly processed materials and depends on the modern industrial infrastructure. 6.5 min.