By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 June, 2005
Tierra Insurgente / Intifada Al Ard

Esta es una entrevista con Julio A. padre de Julio Ayala joven Salvadoreño asesinado por la violencia policial en el Sur de San Francisco. Con Mesha Monge I. de la Fundacion Idriss Stelley. 55min. (eng/esp) This is an interview with Julio A. father of Julio Ayala a young man killed by police violence in South San Francisco. With Mesha Monge I. from the Idriss Stelley Foundation. 55min. (eng/span)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 June, 2005
Mr. X of

Follow one of today's harsh storms from beginning to end via a Podcast, recorded on a handheld MP3 player by Mr. X. From the first raindrops to the final crack of thunder that will rattle your ears!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 June, 2005
Just Julie & Bionic Erin

Just Julie & Bionic Erin podcast from the Podcast Pagoda, June 5, 2005.

Late Night with Just Julie & Bionic Erin has been posted for June 6, 2005! Hear a "R" rated late night show with Just Julie's special guest, "Bionic Erin," who was our very first in-studio guest many months ago. A funny story that happened early at a local bar is the theme of the show. Mr. X was pleasantly asleep for this whole show, so, join the girls for a special girls-only podcast!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 June, 2005
queer-j brad

During the early morning hours of April 4, san Diego musician, artist, writer & actor Jacob Faust was shot & killed by the sdpd. The sdpd's version of events doesnt add up. This shooting is one of a long line of shootings & brutality by a police department that thinks it can get away with just about anything, & usually does. Guests Janice Jordan & MaryLou from CopWatch, and clips from a recorded interview with Jake's mother Lynne & friend Krista.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 June, 2005
drew tarico

Paul Interviews John Dunbar, project manager of about the online tool for local media ownership discovery. We also play a speech by Malkia Cyril about radical media strategies, and discuss the new initiative of the US government to produce more news segments as part of the war on terror.

The mediageek radioshow is a weekly critical look at our media environment, with a focus on independent media and the people who make it.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 June, 2005
Luis Gomez y RadioOndad'Urto (IT)

El fine de semana la igliesa de Santa Cruz ha ententado el dialogo entre los movimientos sociales, el gubierno y los separatistas cruzenos, diciendo "pongase todos de acuerdo", intendendo para los movimientos que renuncien a la nacionalizacion. Acuerdo claramente rechazado. El presidente Mesapuede ser que renuncie al encargo en las proximas 48horas. Luis Gomez desde La Paz

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 June, 2005

Today, dozens of Israeli extreme right wing activists entered the al-Aqsa mosque yard in Jerusalem's Old City. Under the protection of the Israeli police, they came to 'celebrate' the 37th aniversary of the occupation of Eeast Jerusalem during the 1967 war. Clashes erupted between the Israeli police and dozens of Palestinian youths, who gathered at the mosque
