By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 May, 2005
AZ Radio IMC

64 minute Audio story of Medea Benjamin(Code Pink) speaking at her book signing at Changing Hands Book Store Tempe Az

Book:"Stop the Next War Now:Effective Responses to Violence and Terrorism"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 May, 2005

Here's the 64 of Dj MicroBrew's FTCM #4. FSCK The Corporate Media. 38 minutes and :38 seconds. Enjoy...


FSCK THE CORPORATE MEDIA is a presentation of ATI zine along with prime anarchist productions.
This podcast will be broadcast on a webcast with a once a week deadline and our goal will always
be to keep it under 39 minutes so you can put two shows on a disk and hand it to someone who
doesn't have internet.
If we go long?
please edit us from the bottom up.

don't hate the media,
f s c k the corporate media

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 May, 2005

OpenSource! 4FreeRadio2

Deporatie's Achter de Tralies is een initiatief van RadioZRA om de doodgezwegen deportatieverhalen een geluid te geven!
Hiermee hopen wij bij te dragen aan het stoppen van de deportatie-machine van Verdonk en cs.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 May, 2005

Hear the voice inside Bush's transmitter.
CAUTION: This is an audio satire.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 May, 2005

Weekly Audio Report
May 13th – 19th, 2005
This Week in Palestine - a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for the week of Friday May 13th to Thursday19th, 2005.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 May, 2005
Mr. X of

Late Night with Mr. X for May 21, 2005 has been posted

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 May, 2005
Mr. Mike radioActive radio

First part of a mostly music show done 5-20-05. Lots of odd music and a lession in Yiddish. Hopefully it's about 80 minutes long.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 May, 2005

a long and winding reportback on the national conference of media reform in st. louis mo, the critical role media plays in the daily lives of real people and the imc media revolution that was. plus some inspiring words from sydney levy, arundhati roy and jessica from arizona imc. runs about an hour and a half on radioActive sanDiego.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2005
DJette Aporetics

This week I had DJCJ and DJSquared in the studio. DJCJ interviewed Mike Milvoch from SEIU's Justice for Janitors. We then play a 15 minute speech of Malcom X to honor his 80th birthday - followed up by an exerpt of the brilliant speech of George Galloway before a US Senate Commitee.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 May, 2005
RadioActive sanDiego

Played They Might Be Giants, Jonathan Richman, Carole King, Muppets, James Taylor, etc. Read "So Happy" by Kevin Henkes & "By A Blazing Blue Sea", by S. T. Garne - 1 hour