By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 May, 2005
WSQT Guerilla Radio

WSQT has installed a new 40 watt tube final rig inputting into our low antenna that yields enough signal to receive for miles but is damned hard to DF.

As you go up and down a block, a direction finder antenna swings wildly from all the multipath. There is little or no direct wave in most places, which is why so much power is needed to get any range.

The signal is clean and there have been no interference complaints, but we now cover a major part of DC with limited vulnerability to direction finding attack.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 May, 2005
Perth Indy Radio X
By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 May, 2005
Perth Indy Radio X

Combat Wombat on Perth Indy Radio - Izzy slaps live off the cuff organic raps and noises on some truly fat beats... MP3 [1 Minute 33 Seconds
- 531 Kb]

Aussie political hipcore activistas and fat beat sistas are in for a treat...

COMBAT WOMBAT is in Perth WA! And heres a taste for Radio Indymedia Crew across the globe...

Monkey Marc and Izzy from Combat Wombat came into the RTR Studio for the Perth Indy show this Wednesday 25th May.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 May, 2005
(((i)))italy-Radio Onda d'Urto

20.000 personas se encuantran en la capital La Paz.
El presidente Mesa esta en reunion con el alto mando militar, para decidir si tomaranun gobierno civil-militar. Luis Gomes da La Paz (ES)

20.000 people are now in La Paz. president Mesa is in meeting with high military command to decide if a civil-militar government will take over.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 May, 2005
(((i)))italy-Radio Onda d'Urto

los campesinos aymaras estan bajando desde El Alto a la Paz.hay rumores de posible golpe militar encabezado por movimientos radicales que no estan en el pacto de unidad de los movimientos sociales.
seguimos actualizando

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 May, 2005

En Bolvia, estan sucediendo cosas importantes, se habla de una posible guerra civil. Esta trasmiciòn radiofonica intenta dar un cuadro para comprender como se llega a la crisis de hoy, con un analisis historiografico que ayude a entender porque es tan importante la Asamblea Constituyente para los movimientos sociales.