By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 May, 2005

5 minute audio about Hate Mail spoof newspaper distributed in the UK in the run-up to the general election

5MB mp3 file - 128kbps, 44100Hz, mono

"In the week running up to the general election a spoof newspaper “The Hate Mail” was distributed around the UK.
Interview with “Norma Borders” (no, it's not her real name!!!) about why the paper was produced and how people in Manchester can get involved with helping asylum seekers.
first she explaons what the paper is;...."

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 May, 2005
Mr. X & Just Julie

The "Late Night with Mr. X & Just Julie" Podcast for May 16, 2005 has been posted.

Late Night with Mr. X has been posted for May 17, 2005! Part 2 of the "fireside chat" series. Tonight, next to the raging fire, we talk more about the Podcastoutlaws Network, a fairly funny camp story about Mr. X & Just Julie, hotdogs & pepperoni on the fire, Mr. X sneaking logs onto the fire when the wife is in the house, and hear the youngest of the X clan "redlining" on the baby monitor.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 May, 2005
Under the Pavement Radio Show

16th May 2005 edition of Under the Pavement, Manchester's radical radio show.
Full two hour show.

Under the Pavement is a long running fortnightly radio show broadcast every other Monday 9.00pm-11.00pm on ALL FM 96.9, a community radio station, in south Manchester.
The show focusses on radical and activist campaigns and activities in the city.

This Show's Interviews:
Reports from May Day In Manchester
Hate Mail newspaper

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 May, 2005

Sunday morning Israeli soldiers, who are guarding the construction of the separation wall near the village of Belein, near the northern West Bank city of Ramallah, found five barrels with activists inside them blocking the construction routeThe organizers of the event were Palestinian,International and Israeli peace activists.

Headline 051605

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 May, 2005
Mr. X & Just Julie

Late Night with Mr. X & Just Julie for May 16, 2005 has been posted

Late Night with Mr. X has been posted for May 16, 2005! A fireside chat--literally! Just Julie and Mr. X decide to burn an old stump out of the yard, which becomes our new firepit, which becomes the hot new spot to Podcast from--fire raging!. Hear us talk about ghostly events, a Wired article about Podcasting, town garbage night, Podcasting's pregnancy timeline, our Motley Crue tickets, Mr. X's cellphone horror story, and Mr. X still has no friends.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 May, 2005
dj microbrew \ marco

Here's the 128 of Dj MicroBrew's FTCM #4.
FSCK The Corporate Media. 33+ minutes.
128 x 44 or something. Enjoy...


and now here's dj microbrew with
39 minutes of filechecking, hacking, deleting, yupper - cut and pasting the corporate media.

welcome to a new weekly presentation from
activist times zine and prime anarchist productions.

but first these dreadlines...

FTCM = FSCK The Corporate Media

News you can use every TUESday for when they abuse and try to put the screws to yous.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 May, 2005
Tara Ramos

May 14, 2005 marked the second anniversary of the worst human smuggling tragedy in US history. 19 undocumented immigrants died after spending hours crammed into a tractor-trailer with poor ventilation in Texas. This radio piece made for KPFT News is almost 4 minutes long.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 May, 2005
dj megawatti at Free Radio Olympia 98.5 FM

On May 10, 2005, on Free Radio Olympia 98.5 FM, dj ? interviewed Ash, a prisoner support activist working to raise awareness of the case of incarcerated environmental activist Jeff "Free" Luers and the upcoming Weekend of Resistance for "Free", June 10-12 2005.

Download MP3 6.1 MB 26 minutes
Suitable for licensed radio play

The interview with Ash has been uploaded to radio4all, it is at