By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 May, 2005
(( ( i ) ))Mx-Bol

radio documental 27 minutos formato OGG 20.7MB

Cuentan las malas lenguas que en 1870 la reina Victoria de Inglaterra eliminó de su mapa un remoto lugar de la geografía andina sudamericana mientras exclamaba: "Bolivia no existe". Su inglesa majestad reaccionaba así a un curioso incidente en el que uno de sus diplomáticos había desfilado montado en una mula en las calles de la ciudad de La Paz, luego de pasar una tertulia con el entonces dictador Mariano Melgarejo.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 May, 2005
Zeph E Daniel

Z and Frankie is a commedy who's express mission is to diss the mainstream. Today we expose the entire alien agenda, hive mind, and make it to work. Pod cast in with us on the way wherever we head...

Z and Frankie Show #92: ALIEN WORLD

Join the Z man in the morning drive/talk comedy show making fun of society, mainstream news, Satanists and anything else that comes to mind. Todays show the discussion shifts from the hyper-mind controlled DOW 10,200 to the alien agenda.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 May, 2005
Kevin Williams

This podcast is a proof of concept for using podcasting as a way to communicate Corporate Social Responsibility events to ISM Members.

This podcast includes stories on CSR efforts by Hudson Bay Company and Xerox, as well as actions against Gillette. Stories came from the CSR Newswire on Monday, May 9th, 2005.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 May, 2005
Paul Riismandel

We interview Shawn Ewald, programmer and volunteer behind the A-Infos Radio Project. The project has been serving an archive of independently produced and shared radio programming since 1996 -- before most of the world had heard of "mp3." Ewald recently opened up the source of the softward that runs the Project so that others may also use or improve it.

The mediageek radioshow is a weekly critical look at our media environment, with a focus on independent media and the people who make it.