By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005

1 Video 00:11:31
.mov = large media (Right click mouse and save target as)
.wmv = small media

The Hill of Tara, located 48 km northwest of Dublin, is one of Ireland's most important cultural icons. Dating back more than 5000 years to the neolithic age, Tara is known in both myth and history as the traditional seat of the High Kings of Ireland.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005
Mr. X & Just Julie

Late Night with Mr. X & Just Julie do the 80's II

Mr. X Does the 80's, Part II (April 25, 2005) Hear Mr. X & Just Julie do another show dedicated to the 80's! Nothing but fun 80's tunes. As always, if you aren't a child of the 80's, you need not apply to this episode--I won't hold it against you. At the end, try to guess which movie the last song appeared in (again).

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005
Rita Sand

From the Trenches 4-25-05 in 4 parts 16kpbs mono
Part 1: Dave Kraft Exec.Dir. Nuclear Energy Info. Service 20:30min 2.3mb Part 2: Natalie Killich, survivor of the Chernobyl accident, 9:00 1mb Part 3: Anti-war protest at University of IL Chicago & Palestine Film Fest 6:52 min 808kb Part 4: Ron Anicich, host of Bad Cop No Donut 23:52 min 2.7 mb

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005
Rita Sand

From the Trenches 4-25-05 broadcast quality 64kpbs mono 27.5mb 59:10 plus 1:00 music fades. Dave Kraft, Executive Director of the Nuclear Energy Information Service on new nuclear plant proposal for IL, Natalie Killich, survivor of the Chernobyl accident, anti-war protest at UIC, Palestine Film Festival in Chicago and interview with Ron Anicich, host of Bad Cop No Donut.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005
Tierra Insurgente / Intifada Al Ard

This is an interview with Sahar Francis and Akram Al-Issa discussing the current status of Palestinain Political Prisoners in Palestine. 35 mins (english)