By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 April, 2005
Mr. X & Just Julie

Late Night with Mr. X & Just Julie has been posted for April 25, 2005.

Late Night with Mr. X, Len and Just Julie has been posted for April 25, 2005 has been posted! Possibly a Podcasting first–Mr. X visits the Jawbone Radio show (without Nora who is on vacation) via Skype and records this show while Len records his show from his end–confusing, but true. Just Julie joins the show later on to close it out--a strange new form of the "double-ender" Podcast! Thanks to Len for having us as a special guest!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 April, 2005

Version05 festival in Chicago on Neighborhood Public Radio
relayed at Indybay's ECR

NPR's on the road ... and no it's not Terry Gross lullying you to a slow death. The Bay Area's Neighborhood Public Radio is set up to cover Chicago's Version festival. April 22 to May 1, 2005.

This year's theme is "Invincible Desire" and dives into an international praxis of arts and activism, with such projects as Industry of the Ordinary , Swarm Circuit, The Corporate Calavera, the Guerrilla Flotilla Unauthorities.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005
Skidmark Bob

Mega Media Illusion mix on the illusion of the Corpotate Media featuring music/media samples from Talking Heads, Noam Chompsky, Don Henely, and who knows what else.

Mega Media Illusion mix: The illusion and Manufacture of consent through Corpotate Media, featuring music/media samples from Talking Heads, Noam Chompsky(mfg consent), Don Henely, ABC,CNN,FOX,CBS,NBC,samples from Network and who knows what else.

Mad As Hell and not Gonna Take it Anymore!!!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005

Former Ecuadorian President Lucio Gutierrez arrived in Brazil’s capital, Brasilia, on Sunday. He has a political refugee status, after Ecuadorian Congress dismissed him last week.

Download audio.

Gutierrez will hold a meeting with Minister of Justice Marcio Thomaz Bastos. According to Brazil’s government sources, this Ministry will be in charge of Gutierrez’s case from now on.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed around 1100 forced retirement papers for security officers. He has also assigned three new leaders to the security forces after consolidating them into three divisions.

The headline for 042505

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed around 1100 forced retirement papers for security officers. He has also assigned three new leaders to the security forces after consolidating them into three divisions.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005

Tara, Vally of the High Kings of Ireland.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005

Arial View of the Hill of Tara

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 April, 2005

This video is a low quality format and difficult to the text within. But gives modem users a chance to see what is going on.