By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 April, 2005
Perth Indymedia Radio Crew

Interview with Julie Newman from Network of Concerned Farmers - an Australia wide network of conventional and organic farmers who are concerned about the economic, environmental and social impacts of genetically modified crops...


She discusses various aspects of GM Crops, and why she is involved with "Activism".

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 April, 2005
Al Uh Looyah

Al's show tonight was dedicated to his Grandmother-in-Law, Dorothy Twisselman who died recently and tonight 4/20/05 would have been her birthday. so I play a lot of country, old-timey music and other stuff that she might've liked. Honor our Ancestors and our Descendents. 2 hours.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 April, 2005

Es wird viel zu wenig berichtet über die Ereignisse in Genua. Wichtig zur Schaffung von Gegenöffentlichkeit sind freie Radios, aber auch Audioarchive und Internetradios. So wurden während der Proteste in Genua im Juli 2001 rund um die Uhr im Äther und via Live-Stream berichtet. Hier findet ihr Links zu aktuellen Audioberichtet zur aktuellen Situation, zum Audioarchiv der Volxtheaterkarawane und mehr...

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 April, 2005
queer-j brad

About 400 hundred students and supporters demonstrating against budget cuts and fee increases rallied outside sanDiego city College and then marched to the gov's office for another rally. A breakaway march brought the message to the heart of downtown san Diego.

Interviews with students and supporters. Audio duration: 11 min 11 sec

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 April, 2005
RadioActive sanDiego

This is 50 mins of RadioActive sanDiego 's coverage of the Student Walkout and the breakaway from the official march route.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 April, 2005

Las distintas actividades públicas de Gloria Muñoz Ramirez en Uruguay serán retransmitidas por Indymedia Uruguay

a periodista Gloria Muñoz Ramírez vivió diez años, desde 1995, en la selva Lacandona, en comunidades zapatistas. Es una experiencia única, que le permitió comprender a fondo el movimiento zapatista, con el que se ha comprometido activamente. Como resultado de esas vivencias, publicó el libro El fuego y la palabra, prologado por el subcomandante insurgente Marcos, en el que describe con admiración la persona de Gloria.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 20 April, 2005

The Israeli government is considering delaying the start of pullout from Gaza and 4 West Bank settlements for three weeks. Israeli officials say it is for religious reasons

Headline for 20 of April 20, 2005

The Israeli government is considering delaying the start of pullout from Gaza and 4 West Bank settlements for three weeks. Israeli officials say it is for religious reasons.

Israeli vice-premier Shimon Peres expressed surprise that only now the government discovers a Jewish Holiday.