By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 February, 2005
Big Bob

EZHelp, You and More's PET-A-PALOOZA!
Simply follow these directions to enter a pet into the contest:
1. Send the picture via email to
2. Provide the name of the pet
3. Provide the owner's name (alias, handle or first name)
4. 1 picture per pet (example: don't send 3 pictures of the same dog)
THAT'S IT!!!! Send as many pets as you may be VERY
surprised what the outcome is if your pet stands out!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 February, 2005
Mini X & Mr. X

Join the 2 year old "Mini X" for 10 minutes of PodCasting with Daddy (Mr. X)

Join the 2 year old "Mini X" for another 10 minutes of PodCasting with Daddy (Mr. X). Mini X sings a few tunes, talks about her day at the library and well, just enjoys herself in studio X1 for tonight's PodCast.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 February, 2005
By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 February, 2005
By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 February, 2005
By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 February, 2005

conferencia del Dr. Ignacio Chapela frente al Congreso Oaxaqueño,feb 2005.
4 audios formato OGG

La apertura de las fronteras de México a productos transgénicos, que sería posible si el Senado aprueba la ley de bioseguridad de organismos genéticamente modificados, es un asunto de soberanía nacional e independencia, en el que deben opinar todos los mexicanos, y no exclusivamente los científicos.

Oaxaca ha sido declarado como banco de germoplasma in situ. Lo que esto signifique y lo que implique es algo que no sabemos.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 February, 2005
Jody Paulson

A short commentary on the death of the godfather of gonzo journalism. (1:45)

Hi, this is Jody Paulson from Moscow, ID with what they don't tell you.

You've probably heard by now that gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, 67, was found dead in his home with an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Thompson's most recent book was called "Hey Rube : Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine, and the Downward Spiral of Dumbness." There's no word yet whether Thompson, like famed reporter Gary Webb, shot himself in the head twice.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 February, 2005
Jody Paulson

I talk about Iran's plan to open its own oil market, Bush's visit to Europe, Hariri's assassination, Russia's embrace of Iran, and you can decide if they're all related or not. (2:49)

Hi, this is Jody Paulson from Moscow, ID with what they don't tell you.

I'm going to take a break from speculating today and just present you with some facts. However, I'll admit that I have arranged said facts in such a way as to facilitate your own speculation, should you desire.