By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 February, 2005

DJ Graco talks about his Mom's hippie experiences in Mexico City in 1968, the Solidarity Movement in Poland, the role of individuals in weaving the threads of history, the main Socialist currents, the contributions of the Pixies to the development of contemporary music, and reveals Coca Cola's secret formula. 

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 February, 2005
dj d-love

02-14-05...spinning mostly love songs for the day devoted to love, all by San Diego and southern California musicians...hey, you can't be dj d-love without songs about love...we were just about done with the mushy ones, and getting to the "torch" songs when we had surprise guests drop in on us...local musicians Uncle Bri, Johnny Love Sound and Rufus Rockafeller! Fun!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2005
WSQT Guerilla Radio

We at WSQT suspect that Bush and his minions are preparing to bring back the draft.

Therefore, we are advising our listeners to decide now if they intend to go, not to register for the draft unless they want to be called, and to start collecting names, addresses, and personal info on draft board members.

The personal info is for publication if the draft is reinstated, with the intention of making the draft boards hard to man.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2005
Mr. Mike radioActive radio

In this show, recorded on 2-11-05, I interviewed Mark Borchardt, the subject of the 1999 documentary "American Movie." We talked about his various independent film projects: "Coven", the unfinished "Northwestern", and his latest film, "Scare Me." The file is about I hour and 22 minutes long.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2005
Skidmark Bob

Skidmark Bob interviews Ron Anicich Bad Cop no Donut before Media attack from Police Cheif Julian Fantino saying Bad cop no donut promotes hatred of the police.

Skidmark Bob interviews Ron Anicich Bad Cop no Donut before Media attack from Police Cheif Julian Fantino saying Bad cop no donut promotes hatred of the police. Ron talks about the show and support from CKLN it will be intresting to see how this develops.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2005
Stefan Christoff


Rafik Hariri, former Lebanese Prime Minster, was killed along with 14 others in a massive bomb blast in downtown Beirut on Monday February 14th. In the wake of Hariri's death, extraordinary political pressure on an international and internally within Lebanon has been directed toward Syria to withdraw their 15,000 troops stationed in Lebanon.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2005
Carmen LaSalle, San Francisco Liberation Radi

An 11 member delegation composed of members of Code Pink, the women's peace movement, and parents who had lost their children in the Iraq war or the WTC bombing went to Iraq on Dec. 26 to deliver $650,000 in humanitarian aid.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 February, 2005
Carmen LaSalle, San Francisco Liberation Radi

An 11 member delegation traveled to the Jordan/Iraq border on Dec. 26, 2004. Medea Benjamin, of Code Pink and several other members of the group told their stories on Feb. 8, 2005 at New College in SF. A 2 part audio series:
pt.1: 43:10 pt. 2: 41:25