By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 February, 2005
Vinny Lombardo

Several hundred people gathered yesterday outside the office of Denice Denton, on Day One of her new job as Chancellor at the University of California Santa Cruz. The Student and Worker Coalition for Justice, an ad-hoc group on campus, organized the rally to highlight, what they say are misguided budget priorities and hiring practices throughout the UC system. FSRN's Vinny Lombardo reports.

CPW: "We would like to welcome the new chancellor Denice Denton, on her first day of work"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2005
Skidmark Bob

PDR Special: Big Bob Brother mix featuring excerpts sampled from Democracy Now! interview with Robert O 'Harrow on how the government is teaming up with private companies to collect massive amounts of data on citizens.

Special Big Bob Brother mix featuring excerpts sampled from 02-10-05 Democracy Now! interview with Robert O Harrow on how the government is teaming up with private companies to collect massive amounts of data on citizens. mixed with music and samples from Matrix and Anamatrix, THX1138 other assorted bites

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2005
WSQT Radio

WSQT Guerilla radio is now broadcasting at 87.9 MHZ from the heart of Occupied Washington. As our current location is very unfavorable from an RF standpoint, we had to up power to 10 watts to get out.

In open country the same rig and antenna went for miles and miles, with no apparent loss of signal quality over 4 miles away, but in the city local range is about a mile and max range maybe 2.5 miles. No amount of antenna fiddling could fix this, so that would leaves a choice: more height or more power.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2005
Skidmark Bob/

Remixed by Skidmark Bob with background music sampling w/o permission banned song samples from Beastie Boys, Negativeland, a little girl singing Happy birthday, Elastica.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2005
Skidmark Bob/

A Remixed and vocal only PSAs from Anticopyright group Downhill Battle

Two audio PSAs from

1- Regular vocal only Stealing music PSA (so you can mix your own PSA)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2005

This week on resistance, remixed, DJ Lotus interviews Ingrid chapman of the catalyst project about the upcoming Challenging White Supremacy workshop in San Diego.

Resitance, Remixed is an experiment in tactical audio production where DJ Lotus creates audio which is in itself an act of resistance. Resistance, remixed also looks for new forms of resistance all over the world in an effort to find new, effective ways of combating neo-liberalism and the religious right, while creating direct democracy.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2005
BlackBox Radio 2/15/05

On this week's show: BlackBox Radio celebrates WCBN FM Ann Arbor's fundraiser week with a show that highlights its history, its personalities, and its current eclectic programming. Plus more local, national, and international headlines.

BlackBox Radio airs today at 6PM on WCBN-FM (88.3FM in Ann Arbor). BlackBox Radio is produced in the studios of WCBN and can be heard every Tuesday from 6:00-6:30PM. It is also be available for download from the MichiganIMC.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2005

Coming out of the 2004 elections and inauguration into Black History
Month, this program features 3 African American voices on elections and

Coming out of the 2004 elections and inauguration into Black History
Month, this program features 3 African American voices on elections and
politics. Malcolm-X, Katrina Messenger, and Jesse Jackson look beyond
and behind the election curtain from three different racially-informed
perspectives from the left of our political spectrum.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 February, 2005

Following the last week’ Sharm Al-Sheikh cease-fire agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Israel agreed to allow 60 Palestinian deportees to return to the West bank from their exile in the Gaza Strip and few European countries, and also agreed to free 500 Palestinian prisoners within two weeks.