By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2005
Al Uh Looyah

Hud, Tapeworm Economics, and the Mortgage bubble, Catherine Austin Fitts talks with Al about the deep financial frauds foisted against the people of the United States (and the world) and her Solari Model for extricating ourselves from the Tapeworm Economy that makes us crave the very things that will destroy us, the host, yet feeds the parasites. Check Ms. Fitts amazing website,

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2005

Link to Iron Sheiks new release Yet we Remain free mp3 downloads

Link directly to mp3s:

Iron Sheik's BIO

Using hip-hop as his medium, the Iron Sheik relays informed views on the Palestinian movement for independence, the war on terrorism, US foreign policy in general, the Arab world, and growing up Arab-American. Since releasing his first album, 'Camel Clutch 2003,' he has toured nationally, and performed internationally.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2005
Jody Paulson

If we continue threatening nations in the name of "the war against terror," we're going to get called on our empire-building by the military and economic alliance of Russia and China.

Hi, this is Jody Paulson from Moscow, ID with what they don't tell you.

Yesterday a lady on LibertyForum posted an account of her trying to get her Bush supporting mother to understand what was really going on in this country. The thing that stuck out at me most was when she alerted her mother that we are close to war with Iran. To which her mother replies, "GOOD! We should bomb them."

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2005
Tierra Insurgente / Intifada Al Ard

This is a summary of israeli war crimes committed in Palestine for the week ending 16 Feb 2005.

Not Committing to the Ceasefire, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Launch More Attacks in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing following claimed facilitations !!

4 Palestinians, including 2 children, were killed by IOF.

IOF conducted a series of incursions into Palestinian areas.

Houses were raided and at least 10 Palestinian civilians were arrested.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2005
Rise Up Radio

Interview with Bill Piper of the Drug Policy Alliance on the CLEANUP Act, the RAVE Act, and drug policing on youth culture

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2005
Ron Anicich

Your weekly wrap-up of North American police brutality, misconduct and corruption.

This week:

One third of Waterford, NJ, cops now fired

FBI probes Plum, PA, cops

Oakland police fail to keep "riders" settlement promises

Former Iowa cop get life in prison for selling crack

Indiana cop fired

Tennessee cop fired

New stun gun deaths

Orange County Sheriff accused of cover-up in shooting by off-duty Homeland Security officer

Alberta police chief fired

Toronto police union boss arrested again

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2005
Wes Modes

This is hour 2 of Night Ride, volume 84, Homeless. Part 1 is above.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2005
Wes Modes

Welcome to Night Ride. The subject is Homeless. A look at the subject of homelessness, by homeless people in their own words.

Night Ride is all about the narrative voice. Written as in literature, or spoken as in oral history. Human beings traffic in stories. Let me tell you about my day, my life, or a war I resisted, once upon a time. Stories are dreamy. They take you to other places, other times, other lives. Welcome to Night Ride. The subject is Homeless. A look at the subject of homelessness, by homeless people in their own words.