
By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 November, 2010
Michael Fox

Over the weekend, Brazilians celebrated the annual Black Consciousness day. The date commemorates the anniversary of the death of Brazil's historic black leader, Zumbi dos Palmares. Events were held across the country, which is home to the largest black population outside of Africa. Report from

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 July, 2009
Michael Fox

From The Jeff Farias Show
April 12, 2009

Interview with Michael Fox

Michael is a freelance journalist, translator, reporter and documentary filmmaker based in South America. He is a former staff reporter for Venezuelanlaysis, a radio correspondent for Free Speech Radio News, and his articles have been published with Yes Magazine, Earth Island Journal, NACLA and The Nation. He is the co-director of the recently released feature-length documentary, Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2009
La Lavadora Paulina Hermosillo Mismo-Mundo

El fondo Monetario Internacional se resiste a morir. En la cumbre del G20-2009, el FMI cuadriplicó su capacidad financiera. Además se le encargó supervisar a los países, si están estimulando sus economías y si están reformando su regulación financiera. Cerca de US$500.000 millones serán destinados para rescatar a las economías en problemas. Sobretodo para los países en vías de desarrollo de Europa del Este y de Latinoamérica. México ha solicitado una línea de crédito precautoria por un valor de US$47.000 millones.