climate camp radio

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 October, 2019

Andreas Klamm Sabaot

Cécile aus Lüneburg in Niedersachsen ist Rollstuhlfahrerin, Buch-Autorin, Kletterkünstlerin, politische Aktivistin. Durch das Festellen einer Bremse ihres Rollstuhls soll die junge Aktivistin "Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt" geleistet haben. Am 8. Oktober 2019 findet das Gerichts-Verfahren beim Amtsgericht Lingen statt.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 September, 2008
imc-ie dunk

Transitioning, from climate camp to eco villages to transition towns to eco cities

A half hour life radio discussion during climate camp UK 2008. People working with, in or living in eco communities of varying sizes half a loose free flowing conversation.

part 1 - outline some of the principles behind these eco communities
part 2 - now that we have an idea of where we are trying to get to, how do we get there...

This recording went out live as part of the Wednesday evening radio show during climate camp

related themes

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 September, 2008
imc-ie dunk - climate camp radio 2008

As part of the recent climate camp UK we made this radio interview with Edwin Cambell about her experiences with the very successful transition town project in her town, Lewes. The recording was made at the front line that existed beside the police, and sometimes riot squad, she outlined the origins and successs of how their project has taken off and what their dreams are.
10.5 minute interview, MP3 format