Iraq Vets Against the War and War Resisters panel from Houston and Toronto

By Anonymous (not verified), 17 November, 2008
Houston IMC Radio Collective / KTRU News


On Friday November 14th in observance of Veterans Day, Houston Indymedia, Chapter 49 of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Chapter 12 of Veterans for Peace, Rice for Peace and Military Families Speak Out cosponsored screenings of Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan and Deserter at Rice Cinema.

Following these films, Iraq Veterans and War Resisters in Houston and in Canada spoke to the audience about their military service in Iraq and Afghanistan and their reasons for becoming anti-war activists. Using Skype, we were able to facilitate a discussion with Ryan, of California and Dale of Mansfield Texas who are currently in Canada seeking asylum to avoid deployment to Iraq in this illegal war. While Canadian Parliament has passed legislation to allow conscientious objectors to stay in Canada, the Conservative Government of Stephen Harper has continued to deport US servicemen who are seeking asylum. Ryan spoke with Houston IMC Radio Before the Film Screening, take a listen.

Houston IVAW talked about their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, how being in war has impacted their physical and mental health, the awful benefits provided by the Veterans Administration, and with the rest of the audience strategized about how we can rebuild an anti-war movement in Houston.