WSQT (DC Pirate) broadcast for August 4

By Anonymous (not verified), 4 August, 2011
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM in DC


Here is the playlist from our August 4 broadcast:

Pirate Radio Song
Station ID
Palestine Today for August 4
War Update: 7 NATO troops die in Afghanistan this week
FBI entraps MD Muslim with fake bomb plot, judge asked to dismiss case
Between the Lines:Right wing terror in Norway
Station ID
Between the Lines:Deb Ceiling extortion from the GOP
FLashmob invades Laurel Wal-Mart
Song: Keep DC Wal-Mart free
One of two treesitters at Bee Tree MTR mine descends, second holding out
Promo:Critical Mass tomorrow!
Tim DeChristoper's post-sentencing speech