WSQT (DC) August `24 Broadcast w/ more tar sands coverage

By Anonymous (not verified), 24 August, 2011
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 in DC


Here is the playlist from our August 24 broadcast, again focussing on the Alberta Tar Sands/Keystone XL pipeline protests at the White House. As of broadcast there have been about 275 arrests in front of the White House over 5 days of these protests. But first, our Palestine and war news...

Pirate Radio Song
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Palestine Today for August 24
War Update:Over 125 NATO oil tankers burned in Afghanistan/Pakistan
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Between the Lines: The tar sands protests
Tar Sands protests: Randy Thompson from Montana's statement and the Yellowstone River spill
Tar Sands protests:Missisippi resident shows off tar logs from BP oil spill that made him sick
Tar Sands protests: Why Cindy Parker,Lisa Swanson, and Peter Anderson are doing CD
Tar Sands protests:Tarmageddon-Anonymous provides "Air support"
Between the Lines:GOP anti-Earth budget riders in 2012 DOI appropriations bill
Song: Keep DC Wal-Mart free