By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 May, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 9.0.5 FM in DC

Here is the playlist from our May 29 broadcast:

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for May 29
War Update: NATO troop losses reach 3,000
Station ID
Between the Lines:Injunction stops NDAA military detention
RAMPS and Mountain Justice blockade road and barge to protect Kayford Mtn
Coal industry luncheon stormed and forcibly shut down in Vancouver
Between the Lines short: Coops as an alternative to capitalism

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 May, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM in DC

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for May 21
War Update: Checkpoint bombings and rockets kill 4 NATO soldiers
Station ID
G8 Frederick March 5-18-2012
Police Attack Press at and after 5-19-2012 NATO protests in Chicago
Veterans throw back war medals at massive Chicago anti-NATO march 5-20-2012
Chicago cops attack marchers after nonviolent NATO protest
PEPCO expels small stockholders from stockholders meeting to repel OurDC demand to cancel rate hike

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 May, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 900.5 FM in DC

Here is the playlist from ourt May 10 broadcast:

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for May 10
Between the Lines: Mazim Quemsiyah on Nonviolent resistance in Palestine
War Update:
Station ID
Massive protest against Bank of America board meeting in Charlotte, NC
Between the Lines short: Major march in Detroit against GE's board meeting
Between the Lines:Common Cause files formal IRS complaint against ALEC over tax exempt status
DC protest demands release of 12 Italian activists for rescuing beagles from vivisection breeder

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 May, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM

Here is the playlist from our May 8 broadcast:

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for May 8
War Update:US soldier killed by Afghan soldier, IEDs kill 7 more
Station ID
"Sams Ride" for peace arrives in DC
Occupy DC storms DC offices of NYSE
Duke Energy (NC) rail blockade stops coal delivery

By Anonymous (not verified) , 2 May, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM

Here is the playlist from our May 2 broadcast:

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for May 2
War Update: Taliban attacks Kabul foreign compound 2 hrs after Obama leaves
Station ID
Occupy DC's Spring Offensive: Occupy Earth Week and IMF protests
Mayday national coverage and DC march
Between the Lines: Mayday
FBI bogus "bomb" plot entraps anarchists
Between the Lines: SB1070 goes to the Supreme Court
Between the Lines: Fines against BP to fund Gulf restoration?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 30 April, 2012
WSQT Direct Action Radio 90.5 FM

Here is the playlist from our April 30 broadcast:

Pirate Radio song
Station ID
Palestine Today for April 30
War Update: More US soldiers dead in same futile war
Station ID
Occupy DC's Spring Offensive: Occupy Earth Week and IMF protests
Anti Wal-Mart banner drop at Marriott
Keep DC Wal-Mart free-song
Housing activists speak out outside budget hearing April 18
Protest against GOP War on Women April 29-speakers
Protest against USDA and HLS April 24