By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 January, 2022

Noticias de abajo

Noticias de abajo 11 de enero 2022

Rompiendo Fronteras

KAZAJISTAN: Policías y ejército con permiso para matar. El presidente de Kazajistán no solo es corrupto sino psicópata, prefiere matar al pueblo y proteger su régimen.

PÁNAMA: El 9 de Enero de 1964 y la memoria histórica. Radio temblor

EUA: ¡Dejen de criminalizar a la prensa!: La persecución de Biden contra Julian Assange. Democracy Now

Desde el ombligo del monstruo

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 April, 2021

Tom Nitzsche


Motor- und Rennsportfans finden bei Radio Nürburgring ein Zuhause. Alles zur legendären Nordschleife, mit Livesendungen zu: Nürburgring Langstrecken-Serie, 24h-Rennen, Truck-Grand-Prix, und DTM. Direkt aus der Eifel an ausgewählten Rennwochenenden, dazu die beste Musik aus Rheinland-Pfalz - und Live-Sound von Rock am Ring-Bands.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 February, 2021

Tom Nitzsche

Seit über 30 Jahren RPR1. - logisch, wer über diese lange Zeit so abliefert, hat einen Platz natürlich sicher!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 January, 2021
The Marys of Gay Shame

The Marys report on the formerly empty hotel rooms now housing previously homeless people in San Francisco. The city wants to close the "Shelter in Place"/S.I.P. hotels ASAP, but has promised to permanently house the current tenants at the hotels. Mary Crisis, who works inside one of the hotels, joins us. (The City's preferred term for people inside is "guests" - a weird term, given the extreme surveillance, lack of toilet paper, and no real plan for getting people into the same time as hundreds of thousands of condos sit empty throughout the Bay Area.)


By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 October, 2020
By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 September, 2020

Radio FM Dance

producido en la radio fm dance online