By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 July, 2013
hijos de la tierra

Programa 120 Hijos de la Tierra 09 de julio 2013
A. Presentacion del Programa. Cancion: Poetas de Sargento Garcia
B LA ENTREVISTA: Un Salto de Vida defensores del Rio Santiago en Jalisco POR TAPATISTAS.
Cancion: Nosotros Somos los Marranos de El Personal
MEXICANAS. Cancion: Maiz Transgenico de Jesusa Santo Domingo
-Anuncian la X reunión nacional en Defensa de los Rios y de afectados por represas.
-Encuentro Nacional en Defensa del Territorio, la Energía y los Derechos de los

By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 June, 2013
hijos de la tierra

A Presentacion - Cancion Gente que No de Todos tus Muertos
B Nestle y los neoliberales- Talamontes en Milpa Alta -
Cancion Cheran de AHO Colectivo
C Urbanismo Salvaje y especulación por el territorio -
Techos de carton
D Audio de Radio teocelo sobre la resistencia contra las represas-
Info de Temaca - Cancion Yaku canto
E Altos costos del Cambio Climatico - Armas y represas en Zongolica
F Comunicado del Consejo Regional Wixarica en Defensa de
Wirikuta Cancion
G Pat Mooney en México y los transgenicos

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 June, 2013
Miranda Gibson

This radio documentary covers the cases of environmental political prisoners Eric McDavid and Marie Mason, who are both serving sentences of around 20 years in prison in the US. We look at why these two are considered to be political prisoners and the movement of prisoner solidarity around the world. We explore the significance of these cases from a global perspective and talk about June 11th, the international day of solidarity with Eric and Marie.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 June, 2013
Overnight Productions (Inc.)

The lyrics in the Romanovsky & Phillips "Sodomy Song" in our 2003 SCOTUS ruling flashback include:
"Only an asshole would care what goes into our assholes and who puts it there."
This line is heard in the transition music at about 3:54 into the segment, and again in the segment outro music at about 14:28.
This Way Out #1,315 Program Rundown:
[Note unusual musical beginning this week:]
"Life Song" by MASON WILLIAMS [:26], segues directly to

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 June, 2013
Dan Roberts

Educator/counselor Ralph Cantor led a public forum on "Marijuana and the adolescent brain" in Laytonville last week. It was amazing. This Sundays YouthSpeaksOut! will feature Ralph being interviewed by two Laytonville High students before the presentation. Really worth listening to.
As is his public presentation at our website
Contact Dan Roberts at to get CDs of this or other YouthSpeaksOut programs.