By Anonymous (not verified) , 13 January, 2004
Auntie Bees Knees

Auntie Bees Knees continues her countdown of the top ten worst corporations of 2003, with a list that includes Exxon Mobil, Dow, Bechtel, Halliburton and Boeing. 18 minutes 48 seconds.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 January, 2004
Peter Miller

Mark Grossman, communications director for the UFW, talks to Illinois Labor Hour host Peter Miller about Bush's migrant worker plan. 13 min 20 sec, 64 kbps mp3, 6.2 MB.

Please see the related URL for the interview.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 January, 2004

The US military apparatus consists of over half a million troops, stationed on some 400 bases, in at least 35 countries positioned in strategic locations. What are the true motivations for this far-flung military prescence?? Do we live in an age of American Empire?? Today on Rockin' the Boat we'll pose these and other questoins to my guest, William Blum, the author of Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II and more recently Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower. 29:30

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 January, 2004
CMI_Mexico .:v:.

audio 05:50

Mientras que en aeropuertos de los Estados Unidos comenzó el programa de fichaje o señalización todos los visitantes provenientes de paises pobres, Mexico inicia el nuevo año con agentes del FBI y la CIA supervisando las revisiones de los pasajeros que pretenden viajar por avión hacia los Estados Unidos. Vicente Fox dice que es "normal" la actuación de los "americanos"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 January, 2004
Dan Roberts

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, China, and Cuba.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 January, 2004
David Vickery

Please, Please, it just grates on my nerves everytime I hear EyeRak. It's just a little thing I know, but please try to pronounce the name of the country correctly. Even boy George has learned, though it did take some time.

Thanks, d.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 January, 2004
Helen Johnson

I know Htoo Htoo Han, I've lived next door to him for a number of years. It is only recently that I've become aware of his life story and the horrific events of his life. When I first read that he was accused of spying for the Burmese government I was outraged. This man is the most gentle, kind and compassionate man I've had the privelege to know. You should see him with his family, he loves his children and wife so much. He is always with a smile showing no signs of the anger and feeling of injustice he must feel.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 January, 2004
4 Triple Zed

Community Radio 4ZzZfm spoke to Refugee advocates about the situation in Nauru earlier this month. Nauru is home to over 270 asylum seekers detained by the Australian govt as part of the "Pacific Solution". 45 men have been on hunger strike there since December 10th, 2003 (article 1)


Track 1>

Jane talks to Kate Reynolds, spokesperson for the Australian Democrats about the humanitarian disaster unfolding on Nauru.


Rachael talks to Hassan Ghulam, president of the Hazara Ethnic Association and advocate for the Afghani's on Nauru. 4:45