By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 June, 2009
This is 2jaeng news on Media Redevelopment Action Radio.
The English half of our hour long report on events and social struggles underreported in the mainstream media. Issues for this show are:
Solidarity for Sex Workers
Ban on Protests
Roh Mu-hyun's Suicide and Funeral
Last Friday's Eviction
Conscientious Objector sent to prison
(stream is available at link below)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 June, 2009
WSQT Direct Action radio 88.1 FM in DC

Here is WSQT Direct Action Radio's broadcast for June 8, 2009. In three of our segments we focus on the death-dealing ways of Shell and other oil companies and their nasty little friends in power.

Contents of audio:

1: Pirate Radio song

2: Station ID

3: This Week in Palestine for June 1-5

4: 20 second song clip

5: Coverage of June 5 protest at Israeli Embassy in DC for Palestine

6: 20 second song clip

7: Iraq:Mortars in the Green Zone, Shell in Iraq

8: Station ID

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 June, 2009
Skidmark Bob

Torture Memo #1 6:58 192k Stereo mp3

An audio collage on the subject of torture featuring samples from Taxi To the Darkside, 24 and various other media Bush, Rumsfeld and even the almighty king of torture Dick Cheney.

Media Used:
24, Taxi To The Darkside, Various media samples
Music by Rollins Band, Battlestar Galactica- Soundtrack Season 2 OST
"Black Market" Negativland

More Info:

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 June, 2009
Seeing Red Radio

Seeing Red remembers the Black Panther Party, featuring the voices of Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Bobby Rush, Fred Hampton and others. We follow with Israel’s right-wing coalition lashing out at Israeli Arabs in the Knesset with a trio of bills that would criminalize any commemoration of the Nakba, any refusal to recognize Israel as a “Jewish state”, and demand of Israeli Arabs to sign loyalty oaths or lose their citizenship. Finally, we remember the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 June, 2009
WSQT Direct Action Radio 88.1 FM in DC

Here is WSQT Radio's June 4 broadcast, featuring coverage of Iraq, Palestine, two short and one long segment from Between the lines, a call to boycott Shell with audio from the wiwa vs Shell video, and more!

1: Pirate Radio song

2: WSQT Tagline

3: Palestine Today for June 3

4: 20 sec song clip

5: China intervenes to keep Uigars in Gitmo-from Between the Lines

6: 20 sec song clip

7: Iraq Update for Jun 4-another US soldier killed

8: Clip from pro-desertion song

9: WSQT Tagline

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 June, 2009
Stevie Converse and Candace Clement

Good planning is important for communities who want to fund their Wi-Fi networks with federal broadband stimulus money. And the Performance Rights Act would compensate performers and record labels when their songs are played on the radio.

Related Stories

Community Broadband Projects Need Good Planning

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 June, 2009
zero hebdo

Zéro Hebdo (radio fpp - emission du 02/06/2009)

Réécoutez l'émission Zéro Hebdo diffusée sur radio fpp le mardi 02/06/2009
Reportages, articles publiés sur les sites d'informations alternatifs et ailleurs.

Au programme de cette émission :